dinsdag 17 mei 2022

Good evening at the 17th off May, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cloudy yet warm. The weather was changing a lot. 


This morning started by serving the early morning crowd their coffee at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. It was the second time this week I was asked to help them since they where spare in staff this early morning. It was good to do it, but near the end, 10 minutes before the end off coffee time, it became too much and I had to sit and take a rest. (Right before the last crowd entered and I actually should have been on my feet for a lot off people. It was just a bit too much for me) I had been on my feet ever since 8.00 AM at de Boed thanks to the renovation, untill 10.20. (Coffee time stops at 10.30) I was drained and exhausted and just couldn't take it anymore. I'm still a psychiatric patient who has to get out and get ready at 6.00 before the renovation workers arrive, so two days serving morning coffee took me something. 

Tomorrow will be my last shift in de Boed's kitchen when I'm about to make our lunchcrowd one off my famous soups. (They're good enough to make a statement about it, so they're not as  world famous as de Zaanse Schans' soup, but they should be.😋😉) I'm going to start the thing around 10.00 AM or 9.30 AM (Two weeks ago I started that early and I have been cutting a Moroccan Harirra almost myself entirely. It needed that time for all those veggies. What I'm about to make now is much easier but therefore not less delicious.) I just hope I'm not too tired tomorrow morning to make soup. I'm not used to work anymore. Daily shifts are too hard for me, unfortunately. If anything in the world as a late teen, early twentier I wanted a succesfull job and a good career. Life has been diffrent and it shows when I try these kind off things. I believe I have to sell 'no.' for an answer if de Boed asks me thursday or friday to be the coffee lady. I just. can't. But I made it two days in a row that early in the morning (Tomorrow will be the last working day) and I did something good with my time instead off just staring in front off me out off boredom. 

A cool thing this morning is that a few Leviaan managers from the head office had a small meeting in our activity room and I have been serving them coffee aswell. Socializing? smooching? I believe I got myself in a positive light with them. They are nice people and they appreciated my coffee. It's been a cool thing to do this morning. 

After coffee I had my hair cut and my face groomed. I took some make-up with me and she dolled up my eyes with black eye pencil and mascara for me. Everything alltogheter was 10 euro's only and it's the only 'splurge.' for this first week off No-Spend-Month. Aside from a cheap hairdresser, it goes well. I have been quite sober this first three days. So to say, not strictly sober but I haven't been spending big at the beginning off this challenge. I still believe I can make it. I believe I got my new, fresh haircut just in time for summer. I think it's a good thing to be trimmed off off my warm winter fur today. I haven't been to a hairdresser ever since a short time before christmas. Strictly seen it's not a necessity, but you'd almost think so in my case. I like my hair this way. It feels so nice and light at the back off my head and it looks pretty. It's a good look for summer. 

After my haircut and lunch (I found a new favourite at lunch: Apricot jam.) I have been trying to rest at de Boed's hallway where they have comfortable seats near the front door. It's not the best place to have a rest, but it's seperated from most things though it's still crowded as everyone passes it by. But I had to. I couldn't go home to construction noise and workers working on my windowframe, so I had to take it at that place but it wasn't much off a good idea. I had the idea someone evil wanted to spell me and do harm to me after a while hanging around there. (they always want to get you at your weakest. They never try this anymore when the house is all pulled togheter and I'm at my best.) I had a hard time fighting off that voice but I explained to a caretaker I wasn't feeling well anymore and she took me to the public room at the living room area and gave me a glass off water. I was tired at that point and it felt impossible for me to take on the rest off the day but I did it. I made it through dinner time and went home (The construction workers where gone this evening) It has been a hard day.  I hope I will get some sleep tonight and be able to give it my best again tomorrow. They promised me they would be finished tomorrow. It's been a hard first half off the week and then we have to shove back furniture after they're done here. I hope I will survive this. 

Wish me luck. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.     

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