donderdag 19 mei 2022

Good evening at the 19th off May, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was code yellow for thunderstorms in the Netherlands. At some points, I believe that was legid. It was stormy, cold and rainy with thunder and it's still cloudy yet warm. 


The 4th day off Non-Spend-Month went well either. I have been taking notes at the client counsil to de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. (I'm the note taker to their meetings. I got to work them out this weekend.) We had a left over off my mustard soup and this afternoon I made the appointment to help a trainee out with a project she has to do for school. (I know what it's like to be a trainee. I like helping them out with their projects) And I have been enjoying apricot jam for lunch. All off this without spending a coin on extra's. It's going well. Like I said it would. Apricot jam probably lends itself well for thumbprint cookies. But that's for when flour is back on shelves in the supermarkets. 

This evening will be for a pot off fancy detox tea by Clipper. 


 That tea I bought when my standard tea wasn't on the shelves anymore. It tastes great and it's healthy. I love it. To detox is good for people. Tea works for that. 

This afternoon I had an hour for myself when the construction workers where off. There's still protective plastic on my floor and I suspect them to have to be here tomorrow again. That makes it a week longer than promised to finish my home. I had to get out extremely early this week to get out off here before they arrived. It's been a hard week but it's been a good and productive week. Despite construction taking care off my home. I have done a lot. I just hope they will be finished before the weekend. 

I just don't have the willpower to bring up more than the above. 


That's about it for now, 

Thank you for reading. 

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