donderdag 16 juni 2022

Good evening at the 16th off June, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunny and hot. A little too hot in my opinion. I don't like summer heath. 


I got the advice to escape the construction workspace every often to find my rest again, and something dangerous is going on nearby my home. 

I was thinking off a no-spend-summer, but to escape this place to places off my liking, I have to spend money on iced coffees or cappuccinos as the first thing that got to my mind was coffee spots. A nice cafetaria or barista where I can have a coffee or two and peoplewatch when these construction works are getting too much off me. (They already do, actually) I have no other idea in where to hide since my family is not available untill the end off the month to go to. I got this advice three times: 'Escape the construction place and go somewhere where you can take a break from it, and do so often the upcomming months.' I think I better follow that one up to not go batshit insane as it's already getting a better part off me than I please. Luckily mom got me some money some time ago, so I can get a coffee somewhere quiet. (I need a break from this, and it's an emergency so it's allowed.) 

At the same hallway lives a violent man who has caused many incidents and who got arrested a few times for it. Leviaan has their hands full off him and lately he has been extra violent and dangerous. So I got my evening and morning medication at home so I don't have to go out to the medication office in the morning and at night. They consider him that much off a threat. I got guarded to de Boed every morning to protect me from him. Protected living always has come with violent fellow clients. I hate it. 

A positive thing today was that the pot off chicken curry soup I made them got up entirely at de Boed during lunchtime. It was complimented again and it's probably the best thing about this week. 

I'm not doing so well. It's the summer heath, a mental issue, a strange ongoing belief that 'they.' are jealouse off my bakings and wish to put an end to it with black magic, and it's stress from the renovation that takes it's toll. Aside to that, I get stuffy from this weather. I do hard. The problem started with putting online that I could bake again after flour being back on the shelves again in supermarkets. It started a few weeks ago, and the issue, or better said, the feeling it caused off fear, hasn't stopped yet and still overpowers me all the time. I'm still afraid they wish to take it away from me and spoil it with their evil dark magic as how they've done several times in my life. They are jealouse and not to trust, and I'm afraid off their tentacles. I'm terrified, actually. But I don't want to let that get the best off me. 

I'm tired off all that extra lorazepame I had to take to keep it under control. If I was them, I would not be proud off this. I'm so tired. I'm not going to like the upcoming stuffy weekend. damp summer weather and high temperatures- Just too bad. 

Tomorrow morning will be for serving coffee again at de Boed. If the weather allows me. I just hope I will sleep well tonight and I can make it to the coffee bar tomorrow. It's such stuffy weather, I already feel I'm chocking from it. I hate it. I hope summer won't be entirely like this. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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