vrijdag 24 juni 2022

Good morning at the 24th off June, 2022.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's raining cats and dogs at this moment. It's a needed cool down from yesterday as it was hot in the Netherlands. In this country, a period off hot weather is often changed with thunderstorms and this rain was one off these. 


I had some very ripe bananas, and a few eggs left, so what's a girl to do? Yep, baking banana cake. 

It's made with cookiespices and I also found a bag off almonds in my cupboard, so I used that too. On top is icing sugar. This cake will help me with my mission to 'soften the sharp edges off the crisis.' This morning, and help people cope with construction work on their homes (As that is more important this morning. More than half off the building is done. It's almost finished and that's a good thing.) It's my coffee shift this morning and I hope I can serve the annoyed, early morning crowd a slice off this to soften their troubles. And it's rainy. Bakings taste better when it's bad weather in my opinion. 

I'm doing a bit better, mentally. I won't say I'm all good again as that can be cheered too early. But the worst issue is gone and I feel a tiny bit better. It felt good to talk things over with care staff and share my thoughts with them. I don't know if that helped me dealing with this massive issue that seemed to bother me for almost a month. 

And I had no Corona. The test at the office was negative. I'm going to try if I can catch some sleep again. Since my morning energy after sleeping is almost as sacred to me as sleeping itself. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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