woensdag 15 juni 2022

Good evening at the 15th off June, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today is warm, bright and sunny. It's a perfect summer (or almost- summer) day. 


I fullfilled it! I fullfilled the first step off No-Spend-Summer. I fullfilled a No-Spend-Month. I made it the entire month without spending money on extra's and without spending excessive extra's on grocery shopping. WOOT! I did it! I deserve a pat on the shoulder for this. 

Yesterday was for baking marble cake. Marble cake can be counted as a Dutch classic, but it didn't come out off it's mold as a whole. Still I did this with what's 'on the shelves' (Almond flour that had to be finished.) and I should have pictured the inside off these. They where pretty and worthit off a picture, I'd say! Unfortunately, or luckily, they where finished at de Boed before I could think off that idea. Marble cake with almond flour is not a Dutch classic, the almond flour isn't a classic part off it. But the way you make marble cake with the dark and light parts inside, kinda is. But there are many cultures where it's counted as a classic so I'm afraid we can't claim it. Today was for eating them. People at de Boed liked them.  

Today's Wednesday Soup was chicken curry soup. It was spicy but people liked eating it and we had picky neighbours over for lunch who where allowed to lunch with us due to the renovation. So I had to proove a thing or two this afternoon. Not everyone liked the spicyness, but most off my crowd did so I can count it a succes. 

Today I don't feel so bad. I feel pretty good, actually and I can't tell you why. Probably because it's a day with many good factors: Good cake, good soup, a fullfilled challenge. And I'm allowed to spend a bit off money untill the end off the week. Just a bit, since I'm still not incredibly rich. Still I have some air to breathe now. 

Summer is for saving it up a bit, and for not being sorry to Vana Events. I'm still not sorry to them for what I did. I still feel I'm right and I have been right all along, and my decision to never come back still stands as it's a relief to my soul not to do so. I'm freed off them and their unfairness. I still keep it at that as it feels so nice. Vana and it's nasty crowd have hurt too much to ever come back. 

This evening, I allow myself a small spending to celebrate my triumph this month. Something to re-fill my stock. A necessity I'm almost out off. Something I need to order. I deserve that. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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