vrijdag 10 juni 2022

Good evening at the 10th off June, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today started cloudy with rainshowers, but it ended sunny and bright. 


I'm glad I could set myself to my morning coffee shift. It's so sattisfying to serve people their morning coffee on weekdays. I was a bit off-minded for having issues today, but luckily they didn't mind much. (If it was a more commercial place, I think I'd be in trouble. But this is an easy-going place where it's not much off an issue to work like that) I love my coffeeshifts. I even took effort to put mascara and lipstick on before work, and earrings and perfume. I never wear make-up on a daily base, but I take it kinda serious to look good for this job. 

Only 5 days left and I fullfilled the No-spend-month challenge. It wasn't a big challenge since I already do live sober on a daily base. I just took it a bit extra this month. Still I had fun my way with what I got 'on the shelves.' It was probably a good thing to finish those resources first instead off spending tons on new stuff. I have been baking cakes and cookies, I have been drinking great teas, I have been showering and cleaning with what I've got, I have been visiting my family without it being expensive, (Allright, charging my travelling card was kinda pricey. But it counts as a necessity in my opinion) I did everything that matters most to me. Making people soup each week, coffee shifts, having lunch and dinner at de Boed, (As those are costs I made appointments about and don't go off my pay account. Still it's more cheap than cooking my meals myself) and I'm still not through with stuff completely. I only went to a low priced hairdresser at the beginning off No-spend-month since that was an appointment I already made. I couldn't call it off. Aside to a little more wrapping paper, it's the only slip I made. 

 I still have 5 days to go but it goes incredibly well, and I've been lucky with my groceries. It hasn't been truly pricey these weeks for me. So I could save some money. I could take it easy with my money this entire summer. After all, who keeps me from it? It's my money and I'm in charge off it. (Still something in me wishes to buy two new t-shirts for summer.) I have to re-charge a few stocks before going completely sober again for the next time, but it's possible to do so. (And who knows, I don't have to be too harsh for myself. I could buy these two new t-shirts before being sober again.) It's not hard to live economical. These expensive days, it's a good trait rather than a bad one to be frugal. 

Mentally I'm not doing bad today. I think the morning coffee shift made my entire day good. So I don't feel so bad inside. I'm incredibly tired from having all these emergency medications this week. It exhausts your system to have these. But it was needed. It was a bad week so far. But today was quite positive. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.          

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