maandag 20 juni 2022

Good evening at the 20th off June, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunny, changing with now and then a cloud. 


Today was for a little escape from the construction scene. I went out for lunch at a local restaurant, but I ended in some place I've never been before. A beer tap where you can taste all kinds off beers, but where they serve soft drinks and lunch aswell. It's good to discover new places every now and then. I had bread with croquettes for my lunch and an ice tea (I'm not allowed alcohol, and I knew the consequences off drinking would be health care not letting me go out there again.) and a change off atmosphere but I don't know if I liked the place or not. My usuall (Well, usuall, I got there a lot before corona. I still have to get used to it being open again) restaurant was closed on monday. That's why I ended up there. But the experience was nevertless a good one since I had never been there before and it's good to discover. 

 Instead off grocery shopping, I ordered my groceries at the grocery service since I didn't feel like doing the usuall on a monday morning and having the same old lunch at de Boed seemed even less attractive at that moment. 

Coffee service went nevertless great and was fun to do. I have been serving coffee this morning at de Boed like I do every Monday and Friday nowadays. I love to do so. After having lunch at the beer tap, I went back to de Boed and had afternoon coffee and started colouring a mandala. I started one. After quite a while I started colouring something again and that's almost worthit a celebration since I barely can find the energy or the spirit to do something creative lately. They can hang out the flag over that mandala. I have to place the last dots on the i tomorrow since I'm thinking off giving it more depth by shading. But I finished it a great lot and tomorrow I will picture it and place it on the interwebs. Today has been a good day. Despite it has been exhausting. Last night I had to call the Leviaan night service to bring me an emergency medication and I've slept after 3.00 AM. I'm tired from my round outside this terrain. And from colouring. I don't have much energy, so it's been a lot for my doing. 

Allright that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  


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