woensdag 28 augustus 2024

Good morning at the 28th off August, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today is promising to become a hot summer day, with temperatures I find hard to bear. 


I prepared for it by 

1. shaving my leggs, and to have let done a pedicure. I have lady-like feet today. Very preferable during summer heat, and it's fresh. 

2. cleaning the toilet, be certain to tame down harches off badteria. 

3. throwing the thrash out, and be certain the kitchen and the floor are clean, which helps in preventing bacteria. 

4. being washed, and be sure I can be washed this evening. To shower and stay fresh is important! 

5. preparing a meal ahead, I don't want to be in the kitchen all day and feeling it because off summer heath.  

6. Opening the windows and the door off this flat wide spread so fresh air can blow through before closing and putting on my van. It's a good idea to air your place  in the morning before summer heath starts. It's cooler in the morning, and the place can chill down a bit before the heath starts. 

7. I put on a summer dress and flipflops. Being someone who was raised near a beach area, I like to wear flipflops in summer. Also when there's no beach near. 

8. I'm sure to have a pitcher off water steady so I can drink all day. Which I do. It's important to drink well all day when it's hot. 

9. Be certain to have something hearty on hand, like a salty snack, when you sweat a lot and you drank water all day, to re-fill your salt level. A cup off vegetable broth can also do the trick. Make sure it's hearthy and salty if you feel faint from heath. 

It's easy, take a mug, put a cube off vegetable broth in, pour over hot water from a water boiler and stir untill the cube is resolved. There you got your magic potion against feeling faint in summer heath!  

10. I prefer to stay inside all day, with my van on and the sunscreen down. No business outside for me on days like this! I can't withstand the temperatures. 

11.  I got zero calorie crystal clear lemon taste in the fridge when I want to drink something else than water. It has no calories, it tastes well and it's sparkly and refreshes. The perfect drink for a hot day! On the other hand, it's good not to get in heavy sodas like coke or orange soda, but zero calorie crystal clear is perfect. 

12. Be sure to have a van on hand. And let it blow and cool the room you spend your day in! Vans and air conditioning are important. 

13. Don't eat heavy stuff, or stuff which can cause infections like suspicious meat. It's best to stay away from that entirely on too hot days. It's best to eat light meals with well-prepared, quality meat. And be carefull with overly sugared drinks. Anything that can cause sickness and vomiting, actually, is a no-go. 

These are my tips to get through summer heath a bit fresh and healthy. Stay fresh and you'll get by well.   

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

maandag 26 augustus 2024

Good evening at the 26th off August, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was dense and cloudy with sunshine here and there. 


Today was for cleaning the toilet, and for taking over coffee service from a sick co-worker. I don't feel so well myself. I was up all night tonight, I could not sleep. I was drowsy all the time during coffee service. But it was fun to do so, and it was good to set my mind off off things. I hope I can sleep tonight. 

The world hasn't exploded, and no nucleair threat has hit the Netherlands so far, still I don't feel in the mood for Christmas. It's late August, but I have seen a spoiler to beauty advent calendars for this year. Something ruined the ambience, I think they can keep their fancy advent calendars this year. Last year I had the Essence one. I think I'll skip this year's one. The world hasn't exploded yet, but I feel like such a Grinch. Not in the mood for Christmas. I'm not bankrupt, but I believe I 'don't feel like it.' for Christmas this year. The over-done luxury, the gold, the glitters- All a bit innapropriate for war-time and crisis in my opinion. Really, something has to happen before I feel they 'can keep their Christmas make-up.' Since I like to spoil myself with it by the end off the year. I like to be the Christmas Diva by the end off the year. I even duped the Dior dark lip with golden sparkles last year with what I had. It's just that this year I feel like putting on red lipstick I already own, and stick by it. Since the basic look with the dark brown eyeshadow and the red lip always seems to be the main thing everywhere. Adjusted a few silver glitters on top, but there you got your modern '20's Christmas. 

I'm not an IT-girl or a celebrity, I think I don't have to prove anything to anyone this year. Just nice red lipstick and a basic brown eye look with silver glitters. That's what I think for now. All we need is each other and some retro Christmas hits to pass it by this year. The rest off it doesn't truly matter to me for now. 

Christmas is probably already written in the stars this year, but beforehand, it's going to be hot this week. Sweaty summer weather, which requires being clean and hygienic. That's step one. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

zondag 25 augustus 2024

Good evening at the 25th off August, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cloudy, warm and dense in the Netherlands. 


I feel kinda bad. The historical delusions are getting worse, just like talking to myself and the lack to adapt to others. Usually I can conceal my short temper and be polite, but I feel my shell is thin and it's out more than usuall, also to stupid care takers. (Some work on my nerves. I can't seem to keep my calmth with them anymore.) So, little tolerance from me for people. I hope they can take it. 

Today, all the usefull I have done was to vacuum and mop my appartment floor. And prepare dinner. I'm not really sober when writing you this. I have been creative with yellow zuchinni soup this weekend, however. That's been dinner for Friday and Saturday. It was pretty good. Just like my sweet bell pepper soup some time ago. Strange how this crisis makes me creative with puree soups. If I invent a third one, I'm about to share the receipes. 

Yellow zuchinnis are kinda cool. It's something completely diffrent from the usuall green one. I eat zuchinni soup with French bread during weekends when I'm low on money, since zuchinnis are kinda cheap and the soup is tasty. But it's usually the ordinairy green ones. Some times combined with broccoli. To vary with it, is kinda cool in my mind. Next time I might try a basic receipe for carrot soup, and see if it let itself vary with either. My soups are not vegan, or vegetarian even, since they require beef broth from cubes. So it's not vegan-friendly. But I find beef broth the most tasty one. 

I also invented a more home style receipe for classic Dutch vegetable soup, with nutmeg soup balls. I think it's pretty good. My Boed version was too expensive with all those herbs and the alphabet vermicelli. 

    (A bowl off home style vegetable soup. The beef broth is kinda dark in my version.) 

What's a woman to do during stressfull times than to perfection her soup receipes, and try to keep the home clean? 😉 We're ahead off hot temperatures this week, so I have to clean the toilet ahead to fight becteria. And care staff can help me clean the kitchen since I can't manage that myself this week due to delusions. I hope I can clean that stupid toilet anyway despite delusions and feeling so incredibly bad. 

I think the Russians think I'm a laugh, and my former friends don't care about me being a good home maker trying to keep the home clean, and myself, and making something out off it. I also do it to feel better than former friends who are kinda filthy when it comes to hygiene. It makes me feel somewhat better than them. I don't have much ahead to them, but home cleaning and cooking skills! 

And honest, a lot off planets in Earth signs require home work to move forward. Home work, cooking, traditional lady-like stuff. Usually most other things are doomed to fail when Jupiter hits Taurus for example, and the economy doesn't work with. I have Jupiter in an Earth sign on my birth chart. I think to do home work is the best method to move forward and make all that Earth on mine work for me. Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn kinda asked for it either. If you wish to make something out off it, be a well-organized lady! Most other things seem to fail. These days, when everything seems to go wrong, I get a lot off balance from good home work. I'm still a slunge, and I need to ask health care all the time to help me, but a peacefull home is sooooo important! Especially these days. I'm not all steady at it, especially when being delusional. But when it's done, I feel soooo much better, in my small spot on planet Earth, where I managed to make a small home work for myself. And that's more progress than the economy most off these times. 

Maybe I'm a bit old fashioned when it comes to that. Most people my age and younger don't seem to adapt to the idea. They don't feel the sastisfaction off a clean floor, nice furniture or a pot off fresh Zuchinni soup on Friday. But mind them, given the current economy and the home market, I doubt they ever will. Still, I hope they will become like that and get it one day. Again, what's a woman to do but to perfection her home skills during war-time? 😉 Maybe I'm too wee, or too naive, or too conservative- all off those things I don't want to be. But I don't have a job, and I have time on my hands. And it feels better to do this, than to do nothing at all these days. Though I'm not steady in it, and I need help all the time. 

Home work- a well-kept women's war secret. For rough times, and it works. Especially for poor, country sided women like me. If it works, it works. I hope they don't have to dust this off off the shelves for a long time after this. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


vrijdag 16 augustus 2024

Good morning at the 16th off August, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's raining cats and dogs outside in the Netherlands. 


In Dutch: 

Een paar jaar geleden is de overheid gestart met het uitdelen van maaltijden op basisscholen, omdat veel ouders hun kinderen geen ontbijt en lunch meer konden geven vanwege de crisis. 

Ik vind dat middelbare scholen en voortgezet onderwijs dit ook zouden moeten doen. Voor middelbare schoolkinderen zou er ook ontbijt en lunch moeten zijn op scholen, omdat een middelbare school kind hartstikke duur is tijdens de crisis. Het kan ouders ontzettend veel lucht geven als hun middelbare school kind kan eten op school. School lunches met af en toe een broodje gezond, gewoon brood en goedkope hotdogs- en bouwstenen voor de rest van de dag, zoals melk, karnemelk en fruit. Ik vind dat kinderen dat moeten hebben als pappa en mamma het niet meer kunnen betalen. En dat de overheid dat zou mogen regelen. Middelbare school kinderen zijn al duur genoeg. En ik vind het zo zielig als ze honger moeten lijden op school, en zich niet kunnen concentreren en mee kunnen komen tijdens de lessen vanwege gebrek aan ontbijt of lunch. 

We leven in een dure tijd, en de overheid zou dit moeten doen. En misschien moeten ze dit ook op MBO scholen gaan doen. Eigenlijk overal waar arme jongeren naar school moeten. We ontkomen er niet aan, we leven in een crisis. 

En met mij gaat het eigenlijk best goed. Ik moet vanmiddag een inval- koffiedienst draaien op Wijksteunpunt de Boed in Zaandijk, omdat iemand haar pols gebroken heeft. Ik sta ingeroosterd tot ze weer terug is. Ik voel me niet slecht, alleen een beetje gaargekookt en verwassen van de hitte van de afgelopen tijd. Ik ben blij dat het nu regent, en ik even op adem kan komen van de hitte. (Ik hou niet van hitte.) 

Ik denk dat we een hele arme kerst periode tegemoet gaan. Zoals de ouwe wijven hier zeggen: 'Zo droog als Sinterklaas zijn kont.' En dat vind ik heel erg zielig. Voor kinderen, voor arme mensen in het algemeen, voor iedereen. Ik denk dat bijna niemand in deze wijk echt geld heeft voor de feestdagen. Net als het gros van Zaanstad. Misschien is het ook wel gepaster om er weinig aan te doen. Feestdagen vinden de meesten hier nooit echt prettig. De meesten zijn alleenstaanden zonder familie. Maar het zal wel nóg schandaliger, nóg duurder worden, dus is het niet iets om naar uit te zien dit jaar. 

Ik ga altijd naar mijn familie met de feestdagen, maar de meesten hier op het Gortershof kunnen dat niet en hebben er een hekel aan.  

Ik denk dat ik er gepaster aan zou doen om ingetogen te zijn deze feestdagen, maar ik ben toch al nooit overdreven uitbundig met kerstversiering. 

Ik begin mijn eigen blog een beetje slaapverwekkend te vinden, dus ik eindig deze post hier. 

Oké, dat was het voor nu- 

Dank jullie voor het lezen! 


vrijdag 9 augustus 2024

Good evening at the 9th off August, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cloudy and acceptable when it comes to temperature. 


I came to the conclusion that my favourite by Elvis Presley is 'Burning love.' I love the intensity off that song. 

I'm kinda tired and somewhat inspirationless. Coffee serving goes well, I'm doing somewhat well, Mercury is retrogtade, - It's probably that with this weblog today. Mercury, planet off comunication, is retrograde this month, and we all suffer from that, if we're not carefull. But I haven't been blogging much in a while. 

I can't think off much off a subject, except for feeling proud I'm still washed and clean during a crisis, and the feeling off being physically clean is sooo good. I might not look attractive, but I feel I can reject men for not being washed or as clean as me. This  crisis makes it hard for them to stay hygienic, but I don't do hard with it, due to my storage room, so I feel I can set that standard. Sweaty, bad-breathed dirtbags are not for me, no matter how hot they are. 

Today was for coffeeing at de Boed with fellow clients, I feel they do worse than usuall. But I'm not allowed to talk about their issues. Still, somehow they come off as heavy cases these days. Aside to neighbours becoming truly old and issued. 

Really, when I feel I want to mirror myself to 'common women.' I look at care takers my age. What they look like, what's common for young women around their 30's. Fellow inhabitants off this place are too old or too sick. But actually I mirror to older women. Around their 50's or 60's, since I think they dress more colourfull and more happy. I wear more bold colours than my generation. And more their every day style. I look kinda old, but I feel better when I look a little more irreligiously cheerfull. For a millenial, it's almost irreligious to wear bold colours in a happy style. But I never felt like my generation. I barely fit in with them. But it's not the blacks, it's the colours I prefer. 

It's going to be a hot weekend, and a tropical Monday. I called off all my appointments, and decided to stay in that day. I can't stand heath. And really, I already decided my next birthday cake will be a home made syrup waffle cheesecake, with caramel sauce. It's litterally almost a year away, as if you decide 4 days after Christmas what to prepare next Christmas for dinner. But it's something diffrent than my MonChou cake.  

Big challenge this weekend: To stay alive, and to stay fresh. Nothing is as hard as a tropical day for me. I hope Elvis is going to save the day that day. 

Allright, that's about it for now, 

Thank you for reading. 

woensdag 7 augustus 2024

Good evening at the 7th off August, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been too bright, and too sunny for my liking. 


The situation in the world makes cranky. I don't seem to be capable to withstand, but it's not only the world that drives me mad. 

I'm a bit out off my mind. And I have the idea, people might think predicting the war's end is a little distastefull later on. As if we can't look worse later on. Tasteless, and vulgair, and everything I shouldn't do. Except if I was crystal clear certain. So I quit predicting the future in public. 

That's how I feel these days: Fed up, from summer heath. The situation in the world, and so on. I'm not really realistic, I also got voices and delusions out off fear. I wish there was a remedy to keep my dignity and my calmth. It can be over soon, it can take a while. I felt up to the ceiling from anger before. I have no clue how I got rid off it back then. It was after a heartbreak. I had to sit on my hands not to act out off anger. 

But here we are, nobody got killed. Maybe I feel better when Summer's done, and temperatures are back to normal. I don't do well in summer heath. Life could be harder, life could be easier. Next week, it's leaping up to 31 degrees celsius in this place. I don't like. 

A positive point about this day, was my youngest brother coming to visit for my birthday, because he had to work this weekend. So I could display my dishware again on an ordinairy Wednesday, and share a pastry on a weekday. 

I love it to feel fancy with these, and do coffee or tea with people. My youngest brother is a straight, geeky  man, he couldn't feel less at ease with it than he did, but I love it. He loved the pastry, though. 

I don't have the occasion often to have people over for coffee and a pastry on my nice dishware. Birthdays really are one off the rare times I got it. 

I'm playing Elvis Presley at the moment. It's the best music for hot days in my opinion somehow, and I can't explain to you why I think so. Elvis hits the nail during hot summer days for me. It's not a hit, he's not in the news, he's just one off the best during summer. And it cheers me up. I feel a little less somber and fed up when playing Elvis. Maybe Elvis understands my loneliness. I don't know. It's just very good. 

It helps me to withstand summer heath. So, Elvis and having coffee with my brother today. 

I don't have much to say about Mark's canary for this year. The 2024 wickerbeast was just a powerfull one, and I hope they know what they're doing. It's not to play with. It's actually a 'death corvus!!!!' 'Don't you mess with it!!!' But I keep on pointing at it as 'Mark's canary.' I don't know if I can survive their disaproval off my degradating, but it's uncle Mark's canary. ('Mark z'n kanarie') There's nothing dangerous about that thing. I have no points against it. 

And it helps me to laugh to relativate the Castlefest 2024 canary. 

I would like to end this weblog with the modern classic 'A little less conversation.' Elvis remix by Junkie XL, a 2002 hit. And still a cool one. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


dinsdag 6 augustus 2024

Good morning at the 6th off August, 2024.

 Good morning, everyone, 

Tomorrow is promising to become a nasty hot day for me. I don't like summer heath. 


Yesterday was my birthday. I have been preparing birthday treats for de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. And people loved it with their coffee. 

Duo quark-tarts with birthday sprinkles. Inside it's two flavours, a layer strawberry and a layer mango, with chunks off pineapple on the bottom. It was a perfect taste for them. 

For my birthday celebration on Saturday, I prepared Monchou cake. With cherries from can and tiny white chocolate hearts on top. 

It's been yummy and well-received by my family and people who had a slice off it.  My birthday table looked like this: 

Very romantic, very elegant for an afternoon coffee with family and friends for a 32th birthday celebration. I turned 32 yesterday. 

It's been energy consuming. Some people do this in one day, but I took my time to prepare, make, have it, and then clean the mess the day after. It's not possible for me, energy-wise, to do this at once. It may seem lousy, but medication and energy keep me from preparing birthdays last-minute and cleaning the very same day. Just too hard. 

Sometimes I dream off a whole Christmas celebration at my home, all luxurious, well-prepared and decorated with fancy Christmas kitchen ware and such. Dinner from an icon like Nigella Lawson or Donna Hay. But that's probably a bit too much. Given how much this small celabration took me. I think I'd rather stay gourmetting at mom's. But as far as this went- lovely.  

There are also people who do this every sunday with a much larger group off relatives, but I think I would not be capable to do that either. Just too much energy, too over-prickling. Every often is a much better idea for someone as low in their energy as me. Man, I can't even watch TV or cook like an ordinairy person. That's the good thing off protected living: Being annoying with your disease as much as needed, without being in the way off someone. But a small birthday celebration my style was possible. I kinda liked how it went. Without too much trouble. I really have to re-gain energy from it, but that's how lame and low my energy level is at the moment. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.