Good evening everyone,
Today was grey and rainy in The Netherlands.
Every often, when I feel poor, I send a postcard to grandma, I do the laundry, and then do my nails. I don't know why, I feel a little more rich when doing so, though my postcards nowadays are donated by mom, including the poststamps, laundry wash comes from the storage room, and my nailpolish is cheap. But it's a certain way off maintaining which requires small luxury. It does when I feel broke. It causes good moods, among myself, grandma and care staff, and it gives more off a clue when I feel low on money. it works. I'm not Buddha, teaching others how to solve things a certain way, nor a preacher telling you what to believe. But it's a tip and maybe you got something onto it when you feel poor. A feeling most off us can't escape these days. But maybe you feel better by performing these small acts. Though I have to be honest, mom donated the postcards and the poststamps. And the laundry wash did not came in cheap, but I've been hoarding it. And washing with it feels luxurious and my laundry is done and smells nice. And yes, cheap nailpolish, but 'on the shelves.' In fancy colours and with shines in them. Mainly by Essence or Catrice. You feel a little more fancy when you've done so.
What also gives that certain feeling nowadays, and what keeps me truly happy, is to perfectly bake a basic, plain pound cake and share it at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk ment for mental patients. It's nothing more fancy than just simple cake, but you should see how happy it makes people. A slice off fresh cake with their plain coffee on a Sunday afternoon. They're so gratefull. It's not much for a hobbyist like me, who is used to much more decadent bakings, but I still got this. And it's a bit off appropriate pride to bake 'em perfect every time nowadays. Simply to keep up spirits and not get cranky. As someone who always has been poor in my youth, I know what it's like to live with little. And we should not let it get the best off us. It's less than my old way off baking, but at least we have it and it still makes them happy and gratefull. I think I'm going to remind that about them. How little it took for them to be gratefull. A slice off fresh made cake, a cup off fresh brewed coffee, to sing a nice song for them- and I make their day with it. To me it's as if these nice people are happy with almost nothing. And it works for me. Maybe since they're older. If they where my age or younger, I think they would be more spoiled. But these people are so gratefull, I love it. There's a certain Japanese wisdom about being kind. I believe in it when it comes to this. I'm not perfect at being kind all the time, but I try. It's hard to stay kind nowadays, and it's impossible to keep on seeing the good in people. I failed at that, but I did not fail in my attempt at local kindness. I grid my teeth, and I keep on trying.
Allright, that's about it for now-
Thank you for reading.