Good afternoon everyone,
Today the sky is all sunny and clear, it's cold but beautifull outside.
Yesterday evening I had a clear vision. Pluto is transferring to Aquarius, and everyone is expecting a high-tech, modern and emancipated version off society when it develops. In my vision, however, society was turned back a few decades untill the aesthetics and the morals off the 50's. I'm not saying this as a fan off said decade and it's style. I cheer for a modern society too. (Though I love old fashioned style, to a certain point.) But I'm afraid it's going to turn back to the late Pisces era. Untill short before the sun came up in Aquarius. I can't say it any other way.
Simply because we still have karma to sort out, and society isn't ready for modern morals yet. I should give the modernisation off society still some time if I where you, if not generations for it to truly start.
Crime could be caught easier, morals where more friendly, style was far more simple and decent, and people wheren't so alone and 'who care-ish.' at that time. That's what they are trying to say. So, red lipstick, skirts for women, easy going yet strict life and more respect for one another. And people where more gratefull back in those days. The good old values will come back, just as the styles. but it's a throw back for society. Not a step forward. I think we all should be warned against the fairytales and optimism some astrologers and mediums are trying to hold up for us. We are not done with the old fashioned yet. A warned person counts for two as the translated Dutch saying goes.
'But how about the music?' I have been asking 'them.' Music was far more better in the late 20th century. But they couldn't answer me that, unfortunately. So everything is going a few steps back but the music 'depends.' Hmm...
They told me I should look better for what is coming up. I look ratchet and unpolished and that's how I prefer it. But women (and men) where supposed to look their best decades ago. A lot off modern women slack in style and love it. I like an old fashioned style myself, untill it hits me in my emancipation and personal freedom. The Hollywood take on the old fashioned is perfect. But it wasn't fun for a lot off (odd) people to live in those eras. Women with skirts, clean blouses, fancy shoes and red lipsticks. *sigh*. I have to doll up my hair if we are truly going back. It's not completely to my liking. It's good for the old morals to come back to make society more easy. But I suspect it's going to be hard for some. (So beware.) We are not flying into an age off Aquarius, but rather fight out the last bits off the Pisces era.
Allright, that's about it for now-
Thank you for reading.