woensdag 20 juli 2022

Good afternoon at the 20th off July, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

The weather is stuffy and warm and there is a promise off thunderstorms in the air. Yesterday was very hot weather for the Netherlands. It's been hard to pass through the day, but I made it. 


Today was for a classic Dutch Vegetable soup. Like I explained, it's a Dutch classic and beloved receipe. And everyone loved it. I have fans and I can make even the biggest sour head like my soup. It's a good thing to cook well on a day like this and today it fullfills me with pride I could manage to handle a crisis and make good soup. de Boed's refridgerator is still broken. But despite the groceries for soup to have been late, I have been capable to give an excellent twist to it. Despite there being little time to do the thing. But I made it and it was pretty good. Sometimes the best solutions in life come from small crisises. Like they say in politics: 'Never waste a good crisis.' I don't know what innovation for further soup making I actually made today, but whatever I did worked well for me. de Boed's refridgerator luckily will be replaced tomorrow. 

I have no acces to my bank account. Still. It's a bit baling over it for these weeks. I was capable to pay my groceries with cash but that's not fun. I hope that issue will be solved soon either. It's been a period off watching my shopping behaviour again since I don't like to spend my saved cash all at once (There is a day after tomorrow and I have to wait and see how fast it's solved.) 

I have been looking up Nordic Ware. American baking molds and they have grown incredibly pricey. I can count myself lucky I already have two off them purchased last year- but baking with Nordic Ware isn't going to happen in a new mold if prices keep on being this high. That's not fun anymore. I could be less ungratefull and be thankfull for what I already have. I could be acting less spoiled, but for a hobbyist loving to buy new items for her hobby every often, an increase in prices off baking equipment kinda sucks. The world has become more expensive these years. I should have bought earlier on but it wasn't moderately priced to begin with, so I was thinking off saving it up a bit and collecting their items over time when a special occasion took place or when I had some money left. Unfortunately, it's not my price region anymore. I gotta work with what I already do have. 

It's not like de Boed enjoys their cake less when I serve it to them the way I have already done. If only the world could solve it's crisises these days. And governmental wages would pay higher than they do for me. That would be the best thing that could happen: An increase in money since inflation has become so insanely high. I think we deserve it somehow. 

I could bale about having little money an entire weblog long. Nobody has money nowadays. I don't have acces to it to begin with ( For about two weeks now.) I have been asking my accountant and the bank, but it's got a bit stuck somewhere in between. The bank declares the accountant to have blocked my card, while the accountant said I should call the bank myself to let it unblock. While the bank told me only my accountant (I have an accountant who guards my money since I'm mental. She does her job well most off the time.) could let the card being unblocked. So it's stuck somewhere in between. I have send my accountant an e-mail to explain this. I hope she has it solved before my birthday at the 5th off August. But preferably a bit sooner. I'm going out at a restaurant with my family at the 6th off August. A pancake restaurant at de Zaanse Schans. It's highly touristic. But I wanted something special for my 30th birthday. I have been saving it up for a few months with money I got as gifts. Speaking off which, I have stuff on stock (I have been restoring my stocks after no-spend-month. I have items on the shelve to overcome the worst.) so I'm not out off care products for some time. But it has to be solved ASAP since I don't like this.  

It's as if lately, all kinds off incidents have happened and I had to solve them with my capabilities and knowledge somehow. My bank account being blocked and it not being solved for weeks is one off them. Just like the broken refridgerator at de Boed. A lot off small incidents have happened and caused me bad luck for some period off time. That's not black magic, though I can hear them laugh about it when they would hear it, but fate. (And my own stupidity this time for typing in the wrong digits when trying to pay two weeks ago. The bank not solving it soon is fate, however.) Often it's easily solved when such an incident takes place. This time it took a bit longer than usuall. I hope it won't take me too long, however. That would be just too bad. Maybe I can even afford a Nordic Ware item with what I saved up. (That would be luck by an incident. But I hope it won't take place too often.) 

I could also spend some recreation money on Nordic Ware. And on the dessert bible. It comes out in November but I'm looking forward to it already. Christmas, snow, a snowy forest with all kind off sparkles- I have been day-dreaming a bit about that during this heathwave. I think I should try to make the best off Christmas this year and the yuletide to have something to look forward to instead off whining about things never ever to be good enough. I should give it a try to put a lot off effort in decorating (From November on.) And sparkle the hell out off this year when it ends. Literally. Christmas is nowhere to be near any time soon. I have been thinking when I did bad, that I had to make de Boed a christmas baking already in June since I was afraid I had to be in in the mental hospital by christmas. I felt so bad the previous months. But I'm alive and I survived it and medication change goes well in that aspect. I feel I'm doing a bit better and there's no way I have to be at the psychiatric department off the hospital by the end off this year. (As far as I can predict that now.) Luckily. You wouldn't believe how bad I felt I was doing. So if I make it untill Christmas without an intake, it'd better be festive. (I'm wishing to do all kinds off fun creative things, and baking a lot for de Boed.) It's nowhere to be near, but I'm already dreaming - off holiday cheer. 

Allright, that's about it for now, 

Thank you for reading.            


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