woensdag 6 juli 2022

Good evening at the 6th off July, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

This morning was sunny and bright with here and there a cloud, but the evening is cloudy and rain is in the air tonight. 


This Wednesday Soup was for chickensoup from the Soup Bible. It was a pretty great soup and people loved it. I was dreaming away with my soup, day-dreaming about having such a fantastic soup on board off a cruise ship near the North American eastcoast, travelling cities in the east off Canada and the north-east off the U.S in luxury. There's little chance for me to ever get there. But the soup was worthit to be on a cruiseboat. The Holland-America line has such a trip. But I'm probably not allowed in the U.S due to my mental disorder. I wouldn't be capable to make it either since it uses up too much off my energy. I'm low on energy often. But it was a nice daydream and it says something about my soup to be that good. Well, at least I can have a luxury soup. 

Rain is in the air. It's cold today. I'm low on energy. It's probably due to the new medication and I think I have to get used to it by now. It's not good to be so tired all the time. But as you know me, I'm very tired often and I probably can't do coffeeshifts in the morning anymore due to this. It's due to new medication to be overly tired today. A few days ago I couldn't stop myself from dancing all the time and moving my legs in some sort off a tic. And I've enhighered recently. I kept calm all week and did no stupid things to let it work in. 

Still I'm dreaming about far away trips. Canada and the U.S for my soup, and scallops with sauce and white wine for dinner nearby the Sidney Opera house in Australia, another far away place I'll probably never get near to. (Due to an item on Discovery channel about the cooling system off the opera house and scallops getting into it since it's cooled with sea water. 'Scallops, a good idea with white wine and a creamy sauce, but not in your cooling system.' Along those lines.) I didn't get fancy scallops in a creamy sauce with white wine, but a spaghetti bolognaise, cheap ass but well cooked today at de Boed. Sided with water from the tap. Since I'm not allowed alcohol. The spaghetti wasn't too bad, but it made me dream about something better somewhere fancier. 

I wouldn't be capable to make it there though since it's incredibly hot in Sidney and I don't withstand heath very well. No far away trip to Australia, and not even scallops sided with a nice fruitjuice for me. Damn, that doesn't make much off a summer vacation for me. I'm not in good health. I have to take this stupid enhighering all the time. 

I wish I had an opportunity, or someone reliable in my social circle, to take me on a trip but I have none. I can't. It makes me sad to write this. I can't follow my dream and travel the world if I would like. 

I don't have inspiration for more for now, 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.      

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