vrijdag 1 juli 2022

A poem that came up in my mind

Good evening everyone, 

The evening is clear and warm, it's been a sunny day all day. 


I felt like writing a poem about washing and grooming my face again after that nasty depression about how I looked. It's time to try again and wash off the depression that has hit me so hard. I'm litterally washing off the depression that has hit me since 2018. I overcame it and it wasn't easy. 

To wash the depression off my face. 

It's been years since- 

I felt like this 

It's been years since 

It's been to miss 

The luxury off a beautifull face 

A woman's right 

Her sweetest grace. 

But it was not mine anymore. 

I felt so depressed 

A doorknob could tell 

I felt so lame 

I overcame that spell. 

I go through life washed again 

I hope it won't be teared apart 

By some nasty man 

I deserve much more 

Than he could give 

With a pretty face 

I wish to live. 

My daily routine burst to bits 

It's when the depression about him 

The hardest hits. 

Calling me ugly 

It didn't matter anymore 

I feel better again 

Better than before 

Still there needs to be 

A lot off washing done

So washing off my depression 

Has only just begun  

Somehow I hope it will never happen again, a man's judgment bursting me to tears and tear me apart for years. It's been the cruelest that has ever happen to me in my entire life. It may sound silly, but it was a nightmare for my confidence. Now I'm over with depression again and care again about looking good, I hope it will never happen to me ever again. Never. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 

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