zondag 17 juli 2022

Good evening at the 17th off July, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today is a hot and bright day in the Netherlands. It's not to my liking. 


Today is for having a day off and being inside my home all the time. It's too hot for something else anyway and I didn't feel like going to de Boed today. I prefered the atmosphere off my own home. 

I wanted to purchase some items for my home at a webshop, but checked and found out my bankcard is still blocked. So no decorative items for me today. It's one off the best things I can do on a day like this: Go shopping online. I love items that make my home as nice and cozy as can be. But unfortunately, still a blocked bank card. 

Last night I did the dishes. It's better to do so for me when it's not overly hot outside. I slept well. I would have gone for breakfast at a local restaurant this morning, but they where closed when I checked. So I had to go back home and make my own breakfast. Luckily I had eggs on stock. 

A good thing about today is that I don't feel tired. Often I'm so tired all the time, but it's probably due to drinking a lot off water and peeing out all kinds off toxics that I don't feel exhausted today. Or maybe it's because I haven't done much and I've slept well this night. One way or another, I feel well. 

 Sleep is important, and so is rest at the right time. I'm going to hate the upcoming heathwave if I don't keep calm. I already feel worried about it. Summer heath is not my thing. I wish I could feel like having more energy often. It's hard for mental people to feel energetic on a daily base since mental problems require a lot off our energy. But I'm very lucky today. Despite not being capable to pay for my goods online. And tonight being for 'Zaans geluk voor gevorderden.' Cauliflower with potatoes and meat on Sunday. Just too bad, still I feel well today and I don't like something being in the way off keeping on being positive for now. Sometimes It's not to be explained where that feeling off luck comes from today, at this moment. White magic, probably. It's such a positive feeling, it feels like good magic and that makes me believe I still have friends out there. Despite it all. 💖

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 

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