zaterdag 16 juli 2022

Far away from the living world.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

The weather is still dry and sunny. 


Sometimes I compare this place with a remote place somewhere in the U.S, where there is coffee served at the local general store, and country music plays from the radio. The cowboys with their cowboy boots and hillbillies and rednecks and their highly dolled up women or ratchet women all attempt here and it's as boring and outlandish as a far off place in the Nevada dessert, or Ohio, or Oaklahoma in the dessert, where people are narrowminded and a bit stupid. We're not as far off from the living as an actuall dessert with narrowminded rednecks. But it could do if you hear the rumors about that. People here are narrow minded, but they're not dolled up to fancy but ungroomed and a bit ratchet. And it's far off. Somewhere in the dessert with all kinds off types in people where they serve plain coffee at the locals and where '80's pop music plays from the radio. It's not the middle off nowhere, but it could be close to it. I'm often bored and feel stuck here. People are not as insanely stupid as some Americans, but their mindset is a bit conservative. In most things they're tolerant, but when it comes to left-winged thinking and gay rights it's often not for them. Just like changes in food or a lot off things which require out-off-the-box thinking. They're not religious, but contrary to that is that for them there is no spirituality and that stands solid as a religion. (Atheism) It's how most people think. And foreigners? Preferably not too much. (Somehow I started to think they are right. I'm not right-winged, but I agree there are too much foreigners in this country now who seek a place they don't even have for their own people. I also think they should respect our culture more when they get here. Thinking National Socialistic and narrow-minded goes a bit too far, though. I prefer an open minded approach to most people.) 

We're so far off it's almost it's own status. (It's not, but it's close.) I think it's bad for me to got stuck here at such a young age. I like to see things diffrently but I can't change it. Not even for myself and if I've learned one thing: I can't change people for the greater good. I'm not capable to change their mindset. I wish I had the nerves to discuss things with them. It would probably be good for them to start thinking in a diffrent light. But it's hard. At least these people don't have guns. But they started talking about it since crime rates are increasing and criminals are getting more violent with more dangerous weapons nowadays. They wish they had ways to defend themselves against it. So I can sense they're even getting pro guns to fight against thugs. (I agree criminals are getting insanely violent and society is getting more harsh each day.) If weapons where legal in this country, it would become an insane mess. Let's hope that day isn't close. But the more violent criminals become, the more sounds go for weapons to defend the innocent, and themselves. Drug gangsters are indeed insanely dangerous in this area off the Netherlands. So we're becomming a bit like the old wild west. (I say that quite often after something like a violent robbery took place. 'It's like the wild west here.' ('Het lijkt hier het wilde westen wel.')) If the day comes people learn to shoot, I should try it too and defend myself against it. I can't go unarmed iff the rest off the country has weapons. That's too dangerous. I'm afraid my enemies will shoot me once they have the chance. But like I said, let's hope we won't see the day it's legal to shoot in Europe soon. Especially at a mental place, that's asking for trouble. 

Life could be worse, life could be better. I could have a life in a more lively area with open-minded people, I could also do worse and be poor and not have a home at all. Sometimes this area is practicing gratefullness for the skilled when it comes to that. Life is getting by, I am getting by but everything is said with that most off the time. It's not bad, but it's not allright either. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.     

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