dinsdag 12 juli 2022

Good morning at the 12th off July, 2022.

 Good morning everyone, 

The weather today is bright and clear. It's promising to become hot this weekend. 


This morning I write you this on an appropriate time in the morning. Not at midnight hoping you don't stay awake at night yourselves. I slept a great deal off this night and I feel good due to it. I love sleep. 

I washed myself this morning. I decided to shower here and be clean before I got back to Zaandijk. It's been a good idea since feeling dirty and sweaty isn't a good idea. Cleanliness is next to godliness. It can feel like that, no matter what religion you have. It's nice to feel clean and fresh. 

I have a bit off a problem. Yesterday while purchasing roses for mom yesterday, I hit the wrong digits three times for my payment card so it's blocked. I have to solve it as soon as I get home. I can travel home with what's left on my travelling card. But it's been a bit stupid. (I had the idea in mind to buy mom roses for some time but it went out a bit wrong when I did so.) Luckily I could pay the roses with what I had left in my wallet on cash. Luckily she likes the roses and she appreciates them, so it was worthit. White roses, pale pink roses and darker pink roses combined in a charming bouquet. I'm not always that stupid but I have my moments sometimes. Then I'm a complete clutz. 

Today is for going home from mom. I'm not looking forward to it to be honest. But at least I'm washed and fresh this morning (Think like an adult!) So that's a good thing about today. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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