donderdag 14 juli 2022

Good evening at the 14th off July, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today the weather was sunny and bright with here and there a cloud. 


Yesterday was for taking in my Lorazepame at a later time. I had an appointment with mental health about the enhighering off my medication. Due to summer heath I wasn't capable to go there since I don't stand heath very well and they made it a phonecall appointment. We talked through what was going on in my mind and I got a more calm mind, it seems to be a bit better when it comes to it mentally. It's just that I have been sleeping bad these weeks ever since medication enhighering took place. 

That made them decide I had to take Lorazepame at a later time to get it's use just before bed instead off too early in the evening. So far it didn't have much succes. I felt sick last night an hour after taking it and laying in bed and I had to throw up due to it. After that I have called the Leviaan night service to inform them and I have been moving around in my appartment, turning rounds and moving quite weird, untill I found I have been acting weird and stressed and told myself to go back to bed at 01.00 AM. So- not much off a succes for the latened Lorazepame- though I slept quite well tonight but in the morning I had to get used to the effect off the latened Lorazepame since it works through quite long. 

I have been reading we had a full supermoon this night which could have caused feelings off sickness. I'm sensitive for the moon. I feel it when it's full moon at night and I'm just as sensitive for astrological positions as the next person. Maybe I'm a bit more sensitive than others. It happens too much I can't sleep at night. I'm sensitive. A bit hot headed, or quite the opposite these years, but sensitive.

Today has been for swimming. I have been swimming at the local pool and it did well to me. It's been put on hold due to summer vacation, (Today was the last time untill September) but I feel I sleep so much better when I swim each week. I believe I've swam 7 lapses and I went at the outside area off the pool. It's such a luxury to swim on Thursday. I swim on a program put to use for us by the local government. A program to let the mental handicapped swim for free on Thursday and I swim with a Leviaan group. (A small group, but it doesn't actually bother me to look horendous with care takers and other clients surrounding me, while I'm all fat and ungroomed in my cheap ass bathing suit. I simply love to swim too much, and I wash my hair after each turn.) 

While swimming I was thinking off the following sentence: 


I was thinking off myself that way. I swim, quite slow. I look ungroomed, I live low profile... but it's all moving forward slow or standing still, but nevertless, I was moving forward slow and steady in that swimming pool this afternoon. (I swim quite slow) Or so I like to believe. Maybe life is moving forward slow. But it's somehow moving. (At least I hope so.) 

At least we don't have Corona anymore. (Think like an adult!) So I can swim each week and have coffee at a terrace when I feel like it. It's positive. I hope Corona won't bite us in the ass anymore for a long time. 

De Boed was dealing with a broken refridgerator. So I will make us Paprika soup tomorrow. This week's Wednesday Soup didn't happen, unfortunately. And today was for swimming. So I will make Paprika soup tomorrow for lunch. I hope I will sleep tonight. 

Allright, that's about it  for now- 

Thank you for reading.  


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