zondag 24 juli 2022

Good morning at the 24th off July, 2022.

 Good morning everyone, 

There is a promise off high temperatures in the air for today. It's not to my liking. 


Yesterday was for making quark tart. Not the quark cake which is more like a cake, but for a square quark tart wich comes close to a non-bake cheesecake. 

It's made in a square springform and I topped it with white chocolate hearts, like I do with most off these tarts. I love putting white hearts on top off them and I was glad I had a container off it 'on the shelves.' And I was glad summer heath didn't make them stick alltogheter. I think it came out pretty nice. A square pink quark tart with white chocolate hearts on top- Just because I can 😉 It's for de Boed's afternoon coffee moment today. I hope summer heath and this go well togheter and people won't loose their appetite today because off it. I will serve this tomorrow with a doll up off whipped cream. So it's extra spectaculair. 

After preparing this quark tart, I ate such great cherries. The whole afternoon was already a good one for eating such lovely cherries, I thought to myself: 'They should put these into pastries.' Since that would be a great purpose for them. Aside to that, I drank coffee and did some online shopping. I found affordable baking molds. 

 (Coffee picture off the day.) 

But the day went even better when finding out de Boed had a karaoke soundsystem on try out. I sang about 4 songs with it and I love karaoke. I love to sing in public since they love my voice and how I sing. I never thought people would ever love to hear me sing for real. But here it happened and I got people who adore my singing. I feel proud off myself about that. I practice behind my computer, singing with lyrics on screen sometimes. Practice paid off. (Well, not practicing, just singing my heart out and practicing on the way. Either way, singing often in private did well for my sound.) they told me they want to do karaoke more often. So I'm granted a great afternoon every often. 

I can't sleep tonight. I took some extra vitamins this evening while taking the Lorazepame. The vitamin rush I often experience after taking those wrecks the lorazepame and doesn't make it do it's job. Vitamin C releases more serotonin in the brain and let that be everything medication is about: Lowering serotonin. I decided to take Vitamin C since I caught a cold this week while walking my way home from the supermarket in the rain. (For quark tart ingredients and a can off whipped cream) I should tell the care office vitamin C in a 1000 milligram tablet on time relapse, wrecks medication. I'm pobably screwed all night for to have taken it and not being capable to sleep. I feel so well, and I took vitamin C and the Serotonin is floating through my system (It makes me feel good but I'm probably unstable tonight) and fighting with the medication tonight. But I feel in such a positive rush and it's weekend. I better sit it through and wait some time untill I hopefully will get tired / capable to sleep. Somehow I hope it's going to work against that cold. But I think a good night off sleep might have aswell. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.    

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