vrijdag 22 juli 2022

Good evening at the 22nd off July, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cloudy, warm yet not as hot as previous week. It was acceptable weather. 


Today my bank card got deblocked. I have acces to my bank account again after a proces off calling the bank and being verified. I'm glad they allowed it despite my accountant to have been slacking somehow. It's the perfect start off the weekend to be capable to pay for my groceries again next week. 

This morning was for serving coffee with a cupcake and I loved how people said my cakes and coffee tasted great. I love making a morning better for them and it improves my days too. To bake and to serve it with their coffee. Otherwise yesterday and today would have been terribly boring. So it's something good to bake. 

It has cost me a lot off energy to be on my feet all morning, though. I'm incredibly tired off the day. It took mental energy and that requires a lot off me. Still I'm so glad I did it. I feel very tired at this moment. If you don't do something about a bad situation (Boring mornings, feeling useless, the idea that it's all cheap and low-profile, having no sight on something better.) yourself, sometimes nothing will change. But I paid a price for it today. It was fun, though. 

I love how they compliment my coffee all the time. I'm there for them on Monday and Friday mornings. And I make soup for them every Wednesday. I bring my share to the table and I'm proud off myself. 

To make use off the situation off a blocked bank account for more than a week, I ordered some items online and among them where cupcake papers. I can bake them for quite some time if I wish. (I made use off the situation since I had money left for that on my bank account. I should be sober for the rest off the period, though. Since these days are pricey and you never know what to expect next.) I'm so glad I can pay the pancake restaurant on August 6th. I will celebrate my 30th birthday there with family. 

In a world full off people who act like complete thrash, I'm proud I can keep my head held high and say I'm acting as a good person. There's no shame on me to be found and there never have been. No matter how bad they talk behind my back because you should know it by now: That's complete bullshit. I can be proud off myself. 

The upcoming period I will feel a bit unsupervised. One off my regulair team will have another job, (The man I descripted as a father figure. It's a pity he will be leaving this organisation) and my main care taker is on vacation. I'm a bit left abandoned these weeks untill August. I have the idea they will have nothing to worry about. But it would be nice to have replacements for them just in case but I expect no trouble to be going to happen. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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