zaterdag 2 juli 2022

Good afternoon at the 2nd off July, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is changing periods off sunshine with clouds. I hope it will rain this evening. 


Today is for baking a lemon cake with thicker lemon glaze than I usually make when doing so. It's for de Boed's Sunday coffee moment and it's probably a very good cake, despite I haven't tried it yet. 

Today I feel less good than yesterday. I think it's due to medication enhighering and I'm getting to a point where it's hard. I almost felt like not baking at all since I felt so bad, but then I burned an incense stick and then felt like baking a cake. I think they will be gratefull to me tomorrow. I have to take it easy though. I had a small walk around the block this morning since I felt like having energy I needed to loose, but I mentioned I have a bad condition so I had to take it easy afterward. I'm going for another walk tomorrow. I feel bad about it to have worsened and I don't want to end up being not capable to walk around. That would be a shame. Basic condition is important. I slack in that too. 

I have slept bad tonight. Probably from having a little too much coffee yesterday. Nightservice refused to give me an emergency medication and told me to sit in my living room for half an hour and wait untill sleep hits me. It worked after an hour. Still I slept little tonight. I hope it's not the new medication that makes me sleep bad. I don't want to go around that lane again and sleep bad for several nights. It has improved these months and I'm so glad for that. Sleep is so important, especially for mental patients. Sleep has such a good effect on the brain it's a necessity each night. I'm taking it easy today. Except for walking around the block and baking a lemon cake I haven't done much, except for having coffee in the morning but it's all I allow myself for today. My home smells nice for to have baked a cake. It's one off the rewards for baking a lot on Saturdays: My home usually smells so nice that day. The other reward is other people's gratefullness and them enjoying a slice off it. It's a rewarding feeling. In my opinion, it's good to give. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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