maandag 25 juli 2022

Good evening at the 25th off July, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

The sky was cloudy changing with intense periods off sun. The temperature was high today. 


Due to summer heath, I do better going through life washed. I feel dirty and sweaty in the evening and I shower volunteerly, where I usually slack on days with an acceptable (I don't like summer heath) temperature. I love being washed almost every evening and I used up an entire bottle off showergel last week over two weeks. Usually it takes more time for them to run out since I often don't even feel dirty after a day. Summer is perfect for being clean. ( I told in other blogs how basic every day care was an issue for me and other psychiatric patients with heavy medication.) 

Today was for home cooking my meal since I didn't feel like eating at de Boed. I had paprika wraps with mexican inspired filling. A bean mix, minced meat, corn, zuchinni and paprika. Brought to taste with paprika powder and pepper and salt. I adjusted garlic sauce to give it more taste (It wasn't all perfectly healthy. But I'm not on a diet) and I had an apple for dessert, and a large bottle off fruitjuice. (I watched my vegetable intake, though. And I had something healthy for dessert.)  Tomorrow I'll eat that again since I have a leftover. 

de Boed had red cabbage from the freezer sided with boiled potatoes swimming in gravy and a hamburger for dinner. I didn't feel like it and decided to make my own dinner this evening. After a while most people have had it with it, but sometimes we can't choose what we eat if we're dependent. I had the luck the grocery van drove today and I heard someone suggesting I'd cook myself after complaining about dinner. So I thought to myself: 'Why not?' My dinner was good tonight and I could eat without the usuall fights around me. (Mental people often break out in fights. Especially during dinner time things can leap up.) It's been a relief to escape from that nasty atmosphere. 

So tonight I'm clean and well fed. It's been no coffee service this morning since the lady I replaced did it for the last time this morning. (She found another day activity to fill in her days.) If all goes well, I will replace her the entire month off August. I love Monday morning coffee service as it gives such fullfillment to serve people coffee on Monday morning. I'm lucky de Boed's kitchen / coffee counter has airco in summer. I'm also lucky for that when making soup. 

Cooking gave my life fullfillment this evening. It was a good idea to do so. I definetely have the idea I should do so more often. To brighten up days for myself, I should do that. I even think I'll be less depressed in general if I would pick that up. By the way, who would enjoy life having depressing meals all the time? No one does. I think I did well for saving myself this evening. It calls for more times after this. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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