zaterdag 16 juli 2022

Good afternoon at the 16th off July, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone. 

It's bright, sunny and pretty warm outside. 


This morning was for sleeping in after getting my medication at the medication office. I got a latened Lorazepame and I still feel drowsy each morning for taking it late. So getting back to bed despite the other medication, wasn't a bad idea. 

I had lunch at de Boed, and then went grocery shopping at that one very expensive shop that's near. But I have no choice but doing groceries there since I can't move very far away. I'm kinda chained to this location and what's closeby. Especially with medication changing all the time it's not a good idea to move very far. 

It's promised to become a heathwave next week. I'm not looking forward to it since I hate high temperatures and basically can't do anything but just be in bed in front off my fan those days. I have no big plans for next week, luckily. I hope I won't get trouble with summer heath and medication enhighering and changing. That would be a disaster. Due to the weather it can become a bit too hot underneath my scalp and my brain boils it up a bit. More than a normal person during these days and it's a nasty feeling. As if I'm very drowsy all the time during daytime. 

There won't be any bakings off me soon, since being in the kitchen with said weather is too much for me so I can't do it next week. I like being in bed all the time when it's too hot. I have to watch getting in enough liquid these days. Sometimes simple fresh water tastes great. I'm not used to a lot off soda drinks or drinks high in sugar, so ordinairy fresh water from the tap is such a great thirst killer. I try to drink lots off it during a heath wave. (In the Netherlands, tap water is incredibly clear and perfectly suitable to drink lots off if you like) Actually I poured myself a pitcher and it's by my side to be drunk for this moment. Water is a good idea! 

It's a good period to stay calm and take it easy. Summer vacation for schools has started this week in this area off the Netherlands. Unfortunately, the swimming pool also has summer vacation so they're not open for us. Just for recreation swimming so that means too much kids surrounding me all the time when I would try to swim. It's not my thing to go swimming during a summer vacation then. 

I wish I could actually go on a summer vacation, I've complained about that quite some times. I wish I could go on a trip and travel some cool places this year. But I can't due to medication enhighering and changing. (And my general condition is bad.) Having mussels in Sidney, or the soup off the day at a cruise travelling the North American eastcoast for example. It's just that I can't. I'm stuck here. I bale less than I did a few weeks ago about it, as if I found more peace in it. But it's still hard. ( I bale less due to have done a few fun things last week, like swimming and having cappuccino at a terrace.) I should come up with something fun to do tomorrow. Maybe I'll have a cappuccino at that same place again. Or have breakfast there. I haven't done so in a long time. (Breakfast with a cappuccino sounds great.) When it's not too hot tomorrow morning. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.        

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