donderdag 21 juli 2022

Good evening at the 21st off July, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was rainy in the Netherlands. There where no thunderstorms and there haven't been. But it was nevertless wet. 


Today was for doing groceries at the nearest large supermarket, which is quite ahead off where I live. I had to walk home since the bus left right in front off me when I left the supermarket. I didn't feel like waiting for an hour in the rain, so I took the trip home by foot. It took me half an hour to walk home. There's a reason why I don't go there often. The bus back only goes once every hour. 

After my small groceries (I didn't buy much. Just a few ingredients I needed.) I went to de Boed for lunch. Especially for the left over off my soup. It was good and today it was also very good soup. 

I got bored today back at home. I had nothing to do but I had several ingredients left, so I went baking cupcakes. Without frosting since I didn't have that on stock. But the cupcakes on themselves are just too good if I do say so myself. 

I hope they will be appreciated tomorrow at the coffee moment. They taste great and they're brought to taste with lemon zest and vanilla extract. A winning team in my opinion. 

I have a habit off collecting cupcake papers. Wherever I go and they have them for sale, I just got to have their version. Often they come in containers that hold 60 pieces off them, but I don't mind. This girl just can't have enough cupcake papers. I came up with the idea it's about time to use them if I collect so many. These rainbow cupcake papers are by the brand Cucina. It makes these cakes look fancy and festive, despite there not being frosting on top. I'm not going to miss my cupcake papers once I used them up. It's probably the best purpose for them: Being used up. I got about 30 off these cupcakes and I just hope I made enough. de Boed is often a bit crowded during the morning. Tomorrow I have a coffeeshift and I think it's going to be fun handing the crowd a cupcake with their morning coffee. 

de Boed can be boring, and the road may seem endless sometimes. But someone gotta do something about it at times when the occasion is there. They taste like heaven. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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