maandag 29 juli 2024

Good evening at the 29tth off July, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today is dry, hot and annoyingly warm for a pale skinned person like me. 


Saturday I prepared a syrup waffle cake from a cake mix from a bottle. They sell these for Holland tack at Xenos. It was good and my fellow clients loved it. I served it on Sunday. 

The serving tray got from Zaanse Schans. It's been pricey, and the theme was 'Classic Dutch.' for this idea. 

To bake from scratch is too expensive. Baking packages are still more doable. The serving tray, however, was very pricey. 

I got issuesd with the heath. And my head hurts in the evening. Today was for grocery shopping, and I did so with a lip oil. Instead off the usuall lipstick. Warm weather requires lipgloss or lip oil to the supermarket in my idea. Lip oil is the 'IT'- lipproduct off these years. Mine was an Essence one, though. It's bluntly hot, my head hurts and it's sweaty. It's time to shower and then eat my salad. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

Good afternoon at the 29th off July, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's way too sunny and hot outside for my liking. It's not my type off weather today. 


Honest, I think it's not even visions, but something on my mind told me it's NOT going to be peace by the end off 2024, and it's going to be a damn dry Christmas for most. 'Zo droog als Sinterklaas zijn kont.' Like vulgair old ladies at Gortershof say. I think I don't like the idea off predicting peace wrong, so, I quit predicting peace on this weblog. Hell and heaven know if it's 2025, 2026 or 2028, for godsake. I'm fed up with it. I just know there should be peace concerts worldwide after peace came true. A real, big peace celebration. But is that going to happen? Usually I see too positive scenario's when I'm fed up with something. Then it's not clear enough anymore. 

But so far, Christmas is not going to 'feel like it.' This year, even worse than previous year, or during Corona, where everyone already seemed unpleasant to be around and cranky. With sky high prices and bills. But I think it's rather common sense that whispers me that in. If it continues like this. I hope my predictions for the short term will come true, and this whole situation won't last and last. 

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be awfull. Who am I with these kind off prognosis? Who wants to hear them from me? I could be an economic or a politician without the slightest idea off a spiritual gift if I start to talk like this. Or even a lobbyist for war economics, (since they seem to be in charge off everything)- but not a true future predictress.  

In that same category falls the idea economic quarter marks show a shrunk economy for the last quarter off a year. It's not predicting, just a feeling. I learned not to be positive about these years. And people start to think off me as a trouble maker if I point things out too loud these days which don't come true. I haven't happened to have done so in real life, people don't have the faintest idea I have done a prediction and try to point out actuall peace. But it's un-doable. But somehow I have the idea it will be a dry Christmas out off poverty for most this year. ('Gortdroge kerst.' Like how it's said here.) 

I should stop it at that for this weblog. People are un-doable annoying when I predict it wrong. I don't like to end up in fights, cold behaviour and discussion, and most off all: It's stressive. So I quit predicting on this weblog. The future at this point simply could not be more vague. 

Allright, that's about it for now-

Thank you for reading.  

zondag 28 juli 2024

Good evening at the 28th off July, 2024, 2.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunny and bright outside. 


Somehow, if you wish to mentally wage a war, you have to flaunt and look gorgeous. Outshine the enemy. I think Putin laughs about our modern day beauty standard, rooted in the 1930's, so it seems. And the west to become more and more poor, and the trends and the technology to become more and more outdated. 

We can live without, I'm not the first to jump into that hole and purchase new, but I think Putin laughs his ass off when it comes to the West to become more ratchet by the minute. And people not looking their best, and circumstances not being optimal to win a war. It's shamefull. 

Not only Putin, The Middle East and China probably laugh with. The brilliant sparkle off the west is sincerely off these days. That's no way to mentally wage a war. We don't look our best, we feel broke, we have to wage war. We're at survival mode for most. And it's stressfull. I believe our enemies laugh at us at the moment. I believe to consume less is good for the environment, but for us personally, and our mindset? It could be better. We could develop a more sharp mindset if it would have been diffrent. But maybe that's not the way, and survival mode helps us to keep peace. But Putin laughs about us. Thinking it's a shame for women here to look less pretty than before. It's a feeling I have. 

We simply don't have money to do so. To set up a big war is too much for us, so it seems. Maybe that's for the best. Now at least we don't have to truly fight. It's not preferable. But the looks off vintage times because we 'don't have better.' Is a laugh. 

I'm typing you this in a plain white shirt and an old Christmas pyjama pants I wear over and over again. (Green with gold and black tartan. I change it with  red one, and in winter these are with green and red longsleeves.) It's a bit cheap. I wear my PJ's a lot inside the home, but I don't feel like a queen with them these times. I simply don't purchase new ones all the time. I got the feeling these times will turn in a new Middle ages for the West if we don't stop it. Medieval, since it's a turn back in progress and wealth. But honest, can we take it? I think another five years off crisis would be utmost bad. Society would be devastated by it. I have felt or foreseen a situation with another five years off crisis, and it's awfull for this country. And honest, if this country can't take it, then how about the rest off the world? The Netherlands has a high standard off being. Or at least it had so. It's not preferable for the world to continue like this, for no one. Food prices and bills have to decrease first. People can barely live like this, and there should be homes in the Netherlands for those futureless children. I wish politics would truly solve it. Instead off playing nasty games with us. 

My head hurts from over-thinking, I'm not that well. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

Good evening at the 28th off July, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunny and bright. For me this type off weather is not preferable. 


I think I can't make a bet for, say, a cow to it, but I think 2025 the Russia-Ukraine war will end. It's a thought. I think I can't bet for a cow, like how the old farmers would say. 'Je kunt er een koe om verwedden.' But I doubt, but maybe it's true. It's a preferable foresight, and the crisis to end at 2026. It's THE most preferable situation, and concerts and big parties at Maddison square gardens in New York, and all over the world, and not a nucleair threat in sight. That would be the best ending possible. Best situation, best circumstances, and there won't be babies born as poor as the streetbricks anymore if they would do that. It's an amazing end. But it's if world leaders would come to agreement. I should sigh in relief, but I foresaw a death bad ending untill 2032 for the crisis, and the world being devastated. Really, down to it's flat ass. Maybe there is time to end the war before that happens. Otherwise Western society is somewhat doomed. Not to speak off Ukraine if they would really use Cetan to it. If it could be beforehand, that would be much, MUCH better. It's a positive scenario, with a very positive outcome. So, 2025 is the most positive for now. But then it has to happen. It simply has to happen. Later than that would be criminal. 

The world could use it to sigh in relief. It's a whole lot off stress off off our shoulders. Maybe I have been over-acting on the point 'war with Russia.' if that happens. Peace should happen. 

Allright, that;s about it for now- Thank you for reading. 

maandag 22 juli 2024

Good afternoon at the 22th off July, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's changing clouds with sunshine. I find warm temperatures doable this way. 


The news stated Zelensky wanted to discuss peace with Putin, but somehow I came to think it won't end soon. The Russia-Ukraine war won't be over that soon. That's what I think about it. Don't get too cheerfull too early, and don't start to hate me over a wrong prediction, don't get too harsh on me, it makes you dumb.   

To be honest, I don't think it will be over before 2026. And all attemps to peace will end up in vain somehow. Don't cheer too early, and don't get naive with life untill it's truly over. It's best to use your common sense a few months longer than to stop it before the war and the crisis end. If you use survival methods- don't quit them by now. I honestly think we are up to two to four years longer with the war in Ukraine. Maybe I should not step off off that point. But I can't guarantee it's true. 

And Biden is out off the race for American president, it was in the newspaper this morning. It's an even bigger point where I personally think Trump will win these elections. And some things are ment to be. But visions are a bit vague at the moment. But to be honest, I think Trump will win the American elections, and the war will continue. It's the worst case scenario I trusted to become true all the time. It's nothing to become cheerfull about for now. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

zondag 21 juli 2024

Good evening at the 21st off July, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was damp and warm, but not overly hot anymore. It even had rainshowers. 


I heard on the radio Zelensky wanted to discuss peace, on behave off giving up land to the Russians. It could be peace will be here much sooner if they all will agree. And Russia agrees with it's suggestions for peace, it could be here within 6 to 7 months, and the crisis can be over next year. But that'd be all theoretically. I have no vision about it, 

But the crisis could be very well over next year if they all would agree upon it. Including the Ukraine war, but to our very loss. I should beware with it, since this is all rumor and positive prognosis, despite The West will lose a war. Something we can't win from Russia, Russia wins all it's wars. So far, Russia has never lost a war. But would that not be great if it would all end before this Christmas? On cost off our loss. 

I feel like a charlatan worse than a tabloid, since it's speculation and I got it from the news. It's better than being a charlatan in a tabloid, but now I got it stated on the internet: I suck at forced future predicting. And I can't say it's real. Even I could not see this happening. But with a little luck, it will happen, and we can afford again. Offcourse prices will be lower if peace comes more early. And grain is affordable again. But victory for the Russians in that case. So little to celebrate for the west. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

zaterdag 20 juli 2024

Good morning at the 20th off July, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today is a warm day in the Netherlands, it's not much to my liking, I'm not good at standing heath. 


I'm not doing bad, I can cope with my crush on mister Ed, the pagan hunk. I can withstand it and mentally I don't flip over it anymore. It's so hard to withstand crushes and lust when you're mental. To the point where mental health comes first and you have to let them go if you're sane enough to understand that. But I can handle it. Though it was hard. 

I popped the laundry in the machine, and now it's in the dryer. I had coffee this morning, and I polished my nails fuchsia. It's a hot, lazy Saturday morning. I'm taking it easy, I should drink more water. It's recommended to drink plenty off water when it's this hot. I'm typing this while my nails dry. I mentioned nailpolish dries easy when I type weblogs, and I got 'something on hand.' when it's drying. I haven't typed in ages, so it feels. But maybe there was little to write about. Just life, plain and easy every day life. 

I cope with the crisis a bit easier since my caretaker said: 'We're in it for some time now, people learn to deal with it. It's not so hard.' It took tension off my shoulder. It's a sane thing to say. She said people are used to it, and have learned to cope. Learned to deal with this economic crisis, instead off being in missery. It does good to my tensions about it. I felt such pity with them. It's good for my stress to realise people 'can do it.' So to say. 

It's what I mention, people can deal with it. And it doesn't seem too hard for them. But maybe that's me and this surrounding. This place is as poor as the streetbricks, but when they say they can cope, it's not too bad for now. Still I hope we will get out off it soon. And people aren't too troubled by it. Still, but really- it's stressive. Especially for a sensitive soul like me. 

Personally, I think to eat fresh vegetables and to be clean with A-brands counts as my personal biggest luxury off these days. Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, good home-cooked foods, and for today- clean laundry. And fresh A-brand coffee in the morning. I think I should be gratefull for these. And offcourse, Thursday swimming each week. It's on summer retraite, but the first week off September, it starts again. I love to swim. And I love vergetables. I eat plenty off them. 

Maybe all my generation peers from this place can brag about is too have eaten fresh vegetables in their youth, during the crisis. Being 'such snobs.' Because the cucumber, the paprika and the carrots where perfectly fresh. But that's all we can do. All the other luxury simply wasn't there, or for us. Poor as the streetbricks as most off us are. We can't even go on summer vacation. And we usually wear too little make-up and expensive clothes to be snobs about it. 'But the vegetables? Perfect!' But then you're a real poor Zaanstad snob. And no, they don't come from the market anymore, but the supermarket in my case. Fresh fruits and vegetables and perfect home cooking with them is my pride. It's 'important.' for someone with my poor social status. As far as I have one. I think it's as low as the streetbricks, but to cook propper meals with fresh supermarket vegetables is our pride. 

Today is for trying to get in enough water, and keeping calm during this heath. My nailpolish has dried, and it's almost luxury I used top coat on top off it. Essence, but what else? Fuchsia pink statement nails! But I'm not certain if fuchsia was just a trend, or an actuall statement colour. But I think it works for summer, or for a very feminin Christmas look, somewhere in a luxurious time. But let's not start about Christmas yet! We're dealing with summer! Still, fuchsia pink, and it's almost joyous. Almost scandalous if I wasn't to think it's 'statement.' for these times. 

I would like to see perfect research on these times when it's all done. in as much fields as possible. We lack so much information, we're almost blind during crisis and war-time. It's pretty dangerous and lame. But maybe it can only be answered afterwards. Still, I got questions I want them to answer. Research on marks and poverty causes by the crisis, what people suffered on, I want them to do those researches, and causes to the crisis I want them to research. I want this to become more open and clear. It should be done over and over again, maybe in times with a brighter look on these times. What where they up to? I wish for it to become clear. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


vrijdag 12 juli 2024

Good afternoon at the 12th off July, 2024, 2.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

The weather is still bad and dreary, it's raining all day. 


Daily life is like a Hayao Miyazaki at the moment, in antique, old fashioned Dutch Zaandijk. Not because off the Japanese demons, or the magic that happens, but because off Miyazaki's simpleness he puts in the daily life off the characters in his movies. Kiki's delivery service and Howl's moving castle are perfect examples off it. It's Western European simpleness at it's finest. As if the characters couldn't have a more simplified yet elegant life. It's old fashioned and plain yet elegant if you watch well, and that's due to the old fashioned surrounding to the characters. And Miyazaki's women are often a bit simple in style. It's how Zaandijk let itself being described. If I wasn't so fat with thick glasses, I would currently fit the description. And the women in my surrounding would look perfect as Miyazaki characters. Except that most are psychiatric patients. 

Kiki's delivery service plays in a fictional 1950's-1960's place which would fit for old Zaandijk. It's as if time stood still and people haven't developed with ever since. It's mainly the older generation from around my mom's age (Around their 60's, with their youth in the 80's) you find there. But it's how they like it. Stale and pettite minded as it is. The Miyazaki feeling fits. Also the simple yet content reaction from people to the most simple things you could present them for nowadays. Like in Ponyo and the deep Sea. It's such gratefull work to bake for them. And they don't spit on simple meals and old fashioned plain coffee. Honestly, but it's a bit negative. Miyazaki's characters are more cheerfull. These people swear by negativism and crank when they talk. And offcourse, the cars are not oldtimers but more modern. (Not the most brand new under the sun, it's poor common people, but it does for slightly modern cars.) 

And offcourse the plants, the gardens, the hortenses, the roses, the pond with the koi-carps, the old fashioned green houses, the touristic Zaanse Schans, and de Zaan river. But these are not stale elements for Miyazaki's work. Still, the romantic old fashioned is present. 

The surrounding is death old fashioned. And the only thing missing is something flying. Miyazaki swears by a flying element in his works. As the main character. Sometimes there's a trauma or police helicopter above in the sky, but there's no magic involved. I wish there was, something flying and magic to solve the Ukraine war during these days. And then, plot twist, it turned out to have been something simple to solve the matter. But offcourse this is not a kid's tale. 

Honest, I did not like it at first, but it grew on me and now I love it. It's pretty romantic, isn't it? Such a surrounding during a crisis and war-time. The people and the food being simple, and the circumstances being troublesome. But later on, you would not dare to brag about it to someone rich (Or moderate, but we see all off that as rich since we're mostly poor.) sane and normal, but for now- it looks like 'something.' fascinating and thrilling as it is. 

I'm not fit for the main character, with me, you would not win the academy award in this surrounding. But it's as if it's perfect for a Hayao Miyazaki film nowadays. Except maybe that it rains a lot with grey skies. In Miyazaki's works, the sky is often blue with clouds. My place seems more haunted than a Miyazaki due to the weather. But on a nice day, it could pass. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.                     

Good afternoon at the 12th off July, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's raining cats and dogs outside, it's nasty weather, but at least it's not too hot. 


What if I happen to have been wrong with the peace prediction all the time? And peace in Ukraine will be upon us sooner than 2028? It's a bit doubtfull. You can say I'm a charlatan if I don't got that right. I think this war won't last forever. I think it might be sooner peace than main 'common' prognosis. though. So that makes me a bit off an optimist. I can't help it, we might be at peace again next year. But count me an idiot if that's not the case. It's a bit doubtfull. It's such a cheerfull foresight, I almost don't dare to believe it. But who am I to be trusted with it? I'm not a renowed paragnost. I just learned to trust the 'worst case.' scenario's. But 2025 is a 'perfect case scenario.'

I got visions for a time after the war in the short term. So this won't last forever, still I don't know when it's about to happen. I'm too vague to pinpoint on. So don't trust me. 😩 

Still, the issues this country has to face if the war ends in the short term... it's not mild. I think the year to the ending off the war is the only vision I will make public, and after this it's done with public shared visions. It's not good for me. All the doubt and uncertainty, since mainly it doesn't let itself being pinpoint to a date, or a year. I heard that's with most others who have this. But it stresses me out to come off unreliable with it. Just like the trouble I got with 'the other world.' If I dare to do so again, but to predict the war on the (removed) Vana Events forum,  was a bad idea. It's best to keep things for myself. It's too big for me to get involved in public predicting, I feel it's too stressfull. So, no to public predicting after this anymore. I don't take it well. 😩 

Allright, that's about it for now - 

Thank you for reading. 


donderdag 11 juli 2024

Good evening at the 11th off July, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today the weather was pretty good. Moderate warm but not too hot. And sunny but not scorching. Like how weather should be.  


Today I took an escape to mom's. This morning was for swimming a few lapses at the local pool. I still swim every week. It's just that there happened to have been waaay too much children at the recreation section today. A school's game or so. It's very much to my relief a child is not off my own concern. 

I'm so concerned about the world all the time. I wish we could all afford everything again, and people would not have to suffer so much from the crisis. I overpainted bladdered off statement pink nails, so the colour is on again. It's bright fuchsia pink. 

I took an escape to mom's. de Boed is not very positive these days. People are negative and cranky. I don't know if bold, fuchsia pink is actually 'statement pink.' Just like the buzzing bright green. Maybe I'm just following a fashion trend and declaring it 'statement.' Just like my shoulder length, dirty blonde hair and my bright red lipstick. People are not complaining I'm disruptive or annoying with these. So I guess I'm not doing harm to anyone. Maybe I'm just annoyingly following stupid fashion. 

Maybe I'm even the only one trying to make these statements with fashion. I barely see anyone out on the streets or in the shops with it. I do see bright pinks and greens being worn, though. I'm not harmfull with it, maybe they'll just see me as someone wearing what's in fashion. And the fuchsia and the bright green where just a temporarily but expensive trend, though I did not pay much for having both on my nails. (In my opinion, it wasn't much.) Maybe it wasn't too bad off me doing so. I didn't pay the head price for it. 

Trends are following each other like crazy these days. I think that's Pluto in Aquarius. It's not so steady to tell what's on trend, or truly in fashion. Let's not be too bothered with it, unless I really like something. I decided on trying to keep pretty hands this weekend, though. I'm glad I put the nailpolish in my purse, so I can over-paint, and maybe it's not fashion (anymore) but fuchsia pink nails are really lady-like for a change. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


maandag 8 juli 2024

Good evening at the 8th off July, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was changing and somewhat warm. 


Dear ungroomed women with your hair untidy long and undyed- 

I feel with all off you. The crisis has robbed you off your precious hairstyle, I can't help but to feel with you. I don't know if you want to hear that from someone like me, but I see you more and more often, men and women with ungroomed hair. It's a downfall off society, it's a crime! Simply not to be capable to look your best due to money. I feel sorry for you. 

I hope times will change soon, and we all can look and feel our best again.  

Yours sincerely- 


Today, I spotted a lot off women with their hair untidy, uncut and undyed. I can't help but to feel with them. 

I wondered if the Pinterest images off girls and women with undyed, messy hair where accurate for society. Most off the time I don't mention, or I think it simply isn't. but the ordinairy grocery shopping and daily life women looked like that. More and more women start to look like that. Like I said, it's a downfall off society. Everything being so expensive, they can't look their best anymore. I feel with it. 

Hair is a woman's treasure. Her not being capable to make it look pretty anymore is a crime. I think they will look at it back in shame. I can't do anything but to feel with it. And maybe it's even painfull to mention to them. But I just wanted to share something to show I care and feel with them. 

My own hair is cut by the Leviaan hairdresser for very, very cheap. And I can dye it a dirty blonde, according to fashion standards here. But I'm granted to live due to my disease. Eye off the needle. 

I did some grocery shopping today, had coffee at Leviaan de Boed twice, and prepared dinner. I'm on my couch with a pot off green tea. Overthinking things, feeling pity with the world again, tomorrow I'm told I shouldn't and mind my own life a little more. I can already tell. I don't know how people are going to perceive this later. But it's not off nowadays concern. But I can't help. Care staff says it's not my problem. And psychiatric aid is telling me either. And offcourse I don't actually help someone with those issues. But maybe this world is too conditioned to only think off ourselves and feel with no one anymore but our own. But hence, sharing that might get me into trouble. Though a hand full might agree. But I know too well what poverty and being left out can contain. A miracle saved my life. And I'm here, still living it well somehow. Minding my first world problems. 

I think fuchsia pink and dark green 90's checkers don't go well togheter, It's not accurate togheter. But I got fuchsia pink polished nails and a dark green 90's vest. It looks good, I have to say, but it's a bit off tune, very rich and low profile togheter. though tomorrow isn't for warm vests, but it's going to be bluntly hot. Not to my liking. But it's fuchsia pink on my hand and foot nails, and it will do tomorrow. The nailpolish was not too expensive. Tomorrow I can survive indoors with fuchsia pink on my nails. 90's checkers in a warm vest are for later concern. (It looks nice togheter, though.) 

First world problems, like how health care wants to see it.  Not making myself crazy with concerns. I'm not good at it. My heart is in the way sometimes. I have to sit out the summer heath tomorrow. Cooling the home, and drinking enough water. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.