Good morning everyone,
Today is Autumn weather in the Netherlands.
I have a small crisis tip, which could help you save a little money:
It's simply to serve chips in bowls, and not eat the entire pack all at once when you feel like eating them, but just a reasonable amount at a time, and one glass off soft drink. I still got left over from this weekend. Juices, soft drinks, everything- just a small amount in a glass, not the entire package. That makes drinking and snacking a little more affordable.
And this weekend was for appeltaart. A fellow client gave me the baking mix, and a neighbour donated eggs from her own chickens. She actually donated a whole egg box, so I'm fine with eggs for a while.
I got free, fee range eggs from her. And the appeltaart was delicious, I used cookie spices and honey instead off sugar for it's filling. To peel and cut apples was a nice set off to this otherwise nasty weekend, (1,5 kilos!) where I had headaches and cramps all the time. It's been pretty hard to deal with. I had to skip morning coffee at de Boed on Saturday.
I think crisis is really to step back to the basics. Not purchasing expensive brands, but rather purchase good quality stuff off what we actually need. fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy, eggs, you name it. It's not for childish outings anymore. Simply because we don't have money for it. And it takes a certain kind off weariness and maturity to handle grocery shopping well. It's not hard to deal with for me personally, since I barely did that. I barely purchased candy and soft drinks. And I already looked for the B-brands and house brands. It's how I've been raised. This crisis is not hard to deal with for me. Maybe the world should be less spoiled. Less spoiled, a little more hard working when they want their luxurious foods. (Preparing them yourself, probably) And be content with what you do have. Don't crave more and more all the time. But now it's not just a matter off opinion, it's a way to survive and deal with everything. We simply don't have it anymore. But is that really an issue? Simply to step back to the basics, and do with less big luxurious brands. I think mankind can doubt themselves if it's really a problem. Think in terms off basics, and don't let yourselves being intimidated by it. We definetely have to be less spoiled.
Life is still possible, just a little less splendorous. Has it ever been an issue? Not for me. It's always been a matter off how things where in life. You can get a toilet or a floor just as clean with a house brand washing liquid instead off a big name. And it costs waaay less. But that's what I mean with basics. Look at what we do need, not at what we crave. Don't be stupid with it. And it's getting more valuable if we actually do clean the toilet, mop the floor, and keep our kitchen tidy. We don't need it expensive, we need it done.
Last tip: Learn to cook. Prepare meals and bake yourself. It saves so much on costs you won't believe it untill you do it. And it's even better if you can cook deliciously, but first off all, learn to prepare meals and bake some basics. And become a good cook. It's essential in this crisis.
Allright, that's about it for now-
Thank you for reading.