zaterdag 2 april 2022

Good afternoon at the 2nd off April, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's here and there a big grey cloud and it's cold and windy in general.


 Today is for my famous quark-cake with dried prunes and golden raisins. I adjusted some almonds to it I had left in my cupboard. It will be hand out tomorrow to de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk to go with their afternoon coffee. 

Aside to that I have been mourning over the loss off a pet I have lost in 2013. She had issues with her kidney and she was off old age, so we had to euthanize her. She was a black female cat who had grown 18 years off age and who I had since I was 3. It's been the first time I have been crying over her in years. It's a pro when you can cry. Finally, instead off keeping it all in. She was my longest friend. She was so gorgeous to see and she was quite a personality. She was accidentally born with us under my dad's working desk. She and two siblings. Her mother was a very shy cat, and her dad a feral cat from the street. She was a happy accident. Her siblings where given away to people we knew and she stayed with us for years. At the end off het life we had a bit trouble among each other since I didn't allow her in my bedroom anymore since she started to poop everywhere I didn't want her to so we had an itch between each other. She was a bit annoying at her old age. She wasn't potty trained anymore and that bothered me. Still I mourned over her since she was my friend for years. And finally I had the heart to cry. Her siblings aren't around anymore either according to what I've heard. They died a short time before her. Our best moments where all those cuddles and comforts and she answered on a certain way off whistling. She would come when you whistled that tune. It's a good thing to be capable to finally cry. It's healthy to cry. I couldn't do it when the euthanasia took place back then, I was probably a bit overdrugged on medication and in the heath off the moment I usually stay calm and don't give in to my feelings. But today was for my old cat. Maybe all those cat video's on YouTube reminded me off her. 

I was crying untill someone in this building started to play loud music and you could hear them sing all the way up here. It disrupted my crying and I got angry with it but I couldn't do much but get myself up and do some care over crying, throwing away paper tissues, and making some tea. I decided I wanted to eat fruitcake tomorrow. (It tastes nice when you're sad. It's comforting.)  

So I poured myself some Earl Grey tea and I made a fruit cake, (Very British when you look at it, but I'm a fan off British culture, also some off the frumpy aspects) but I wish I had something to cheers over her life. A drink- but I'm not allowed to. I suppose she does well by now, wherever her soul may be. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 

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