dinsdag 26 april 2022

Good afternoon at the 26th off April, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today was changing bright and sunny with cloudy but it was a great morning to be in the sun for a while. 


To me, nothing beats having my morning coffee in the sun at the small terrace behind de Boed. Nothing is better than mornings in the sun like that. I have been there untill 11.00 AM and I haven't burned my face. I turned a slightly bit red after a while and then got myself off off the terrace but nevertless, I assume I found a good sunscreen against burning. It's an expensive price for a small tube, though - but I need it. So it's worthit it's money. 

Yesterday, they started the renovation to this old building. They replaced letterboxes and they are about to change window frames. The worst thing about it is to have to get out off bed and get myself ready before 7.30. I'm NOT a morning person. It's almost a crime what they require off me, to get out that early, but it's a necessity for this building so I simply have to accept that. Today I received the new key for the letterbox. They look more modern but are a bit smaller than the old ones. I suppose they can have a small letterbox parcell. And they're good enough for what they're ment to do. so- legit. 

Today I feel tired. I had an electricity fail in my home this afternoon but I had healthcare staff helping me solving it. I'm glad it's all off service again. 

Sometimes places, people and stuff need a good update to keep on track with the world. Not everything, but when it's needed, it better takes place appropriately. 

In a world full off negativity, it's good to stay positive and keep on being gratefull for what we do have. So what's there to be positive about today? 

To have an eau de toilette (A scent) I often use when getting myself ready for the day. Thé Vert by Yves Rocher. It's a scent that represents green tea and it's fresh and green and the bottle is so large I have been using it for almost two years now. It smells amazing and original and somewhat sexy but it's not overdone. I have been using it a lot. I basically smell like a sexy green tea. (And I drink a lot off green tea.) So a good cheer for that scent. 

And a cheer for green tea in general. It's the perfect drink for the evening and it's so good for your system. I drink it almost every evening. Though this evening will be for green tea with yummy detox additions.  

Last but not least: A cheer for showers on days when you have your period. It's good to shower and keep clean when you feel bad so it's such a nice thing to have that luxury. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.        

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