zaterdag 30 april 2022

Good afternoon at the 30th off April, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today the weather is grey and cloudy and it's cold for this time off year. I pity those who have to pay a high energy bill this year and as far as temperature outside goes- I think it won't be a mild one. 


I'm making a chique version off an 'Arretjescake.' A non-bake chocolate biscuit cake which is an old Dutch classic. Though I followed a receipe with nuts in it. 

I followed this receipe. I'm at the stage where you're supposed to wait an hour before making the ganache. It's larger and it's in a springform. Dutch 'Arretjescake.' Is made in a pound cake pan, and I needed a larger springform than the receipe required but I think it will be forgiven by de Boed since they often have a large crowd for coffee (even on Sunday.) so it's a good think to make a lot. This blog requires a picture off the finished project, which will be tomorrow since then it's time to lay the last hand on it and decorate it with toasted walnuts. I hope I will like the taste tomorrow. And other people will like it. Hey, I can't get stuck with a lot off cake. That would not be healthy for me to eat.  

I feel so incredibly tired. I have slept bad this night and I'm exhausted from barely doing anything. I have been like that for a few days now. I don't understand. You'd say taking vitamin supplements would get me more healthy. I just barely feel it. I think I should see a doctor about it, it's that bad being so exhausted all the time, but it could also be my new medication. 

-some time later- 

I added the chocolate ganache! It's now waiting untill tomorrow so I can decorate my cake with walnuts and then serve it to people. It's one off the best things to do during the week, baking on Saturday and sharing it with de Boed on Sunday. Now it's time for coffee. I think I'm going to take a baking break though, Since I've been doing it almost every week and I want to do other things during the weekend. de Boed's coffee crowd won't be gratefull to me not baking them something within two weeks, but next week I'm asked to bake something for Dutch Liberation Day (The 5th off May) and then it's Mother's day so I won't be home that weekend. I think I will take my break the week after that. You won't believe how tired I am. I think I need a vocation. I haven't been on a trip for a long time. 

What necked me last night was thinking off how increased costs affected so much poor people. The thought and feeling where almost unbearable so I had some bad sleep thinking I wasn't asleep while waking up from overthinking. A bit off nasty lucid dreaming. I can't stand this unfairnes. It makes me so upset to think about it. Everyone is poor nowadays and has to take it spare. I keep on comparing things off these days with how it could have been or how it was about 10 to 12 years ago when the world was still getting by well. But I ruminate about that time sometimes. (This could have been so much better if  the times where only better.) But I suppose it makes me a bit spoiled. I could also try gratitude for what we still do have instead off looking back and thinking in 'what if's.' 

I hope my chocolate biscuit cake will soften some edges for those who eat it tomorrow. I decided to make it with a decadent amount off ganache, just like it's supposed to be when times are not so bad. But I can count myself lucky I can still afford that. Man, these days... so unfair and it's so hard to accept. In my ideal world, there would be enough off food, energy and stuff we need without people getting broke on it. I hope we will get out off this and it won't take too much off our time. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.     

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