zaterdag 23 april 2022

Good evening at the 23th off April, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunny and bright. It was a perfect April day


Though the weather was great, I decided I needed my rest and some me-time and I stayed in and baked a batch off sand cookies (With baking powder. They puff up when you adjust that to  the cookiedough) 

They don't look as fancy as I can make a cookie look like, but I wanted to try if I could use almond flour in cookiedough given the fact that common flour is hardly available at the moment. My cookies tasted a bit plain today. I've only added vanilla extract to them and they could have used some cookie spices. As I might say. I let them being tasted by other people and they told me it was still quite good despite my own taste. 

They still required a lot off flour in the dough and on my working board for cutting them with my cookiecutters. I decided to cut out the alphabet. (It didn't make 2 times 26, as I would liked to, but my cookies are quite big so they used up more batter than the receipe descripted) The receipe comes from the cookies bible. (de koekjesbijbel- Rutger van den Broek) but I used a bit more egg, almond flour and two teaspoons off vanilla instead off one. And a sachet off baking powder for that poofy effect. They're not as good as they would have been with my cookie spices, but still- worthit to share with de Boed tomorrow for their coffee moment. I hope everyone will like them and I misjudge these cookies. 

I'm doing well though I'm a bit sad and on myself these days. I'm still in mourning though I haven't cried for two days. I have been crying a lot the previous week and I'm still off minded most off the time when I'm out in public (at de Boed mainly. Most off the time I don't get much further than that..) I'm glad at times like this I have no job so I can be sad without anything being in the way. Previous year I said I was going to take my time for mourning and self-healing, no matter how long it would take and now we're almost one year on with that. But what's been heaping up for over 20 years isn't healed so soon I suppose. I'm not over with it yet. So I'm still keeping to that promise to myself: I will take my time no matter what since I need it. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.   

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