maandag 11 april 2022

Good evening at the 11th off April, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a nice day with the sun out and temperatures not being too high. It has been a nice day in spring. 


Today I have been taking care off my face with soothening Aloe Vera skincare products against the sunburn. A caretaker said this afternoon it looks less red and that's what we do it for. I'm glad I have that stuff on stock and I could use it today. It's always handy to have a small stock off products that are handy on your shelve. Hopefully the sunburn will fade this week, before easter and I can look my best for easter. I haven't purchased something new especially for easter, I just think some cute items that have been in my closet for a while look nice for this weekend. It's an economicall crisis. I can't go shopping too much either. But I have nice clothes suitable for it. (Lucky me.)  

I'm also sucking on sugar free honey liquorice this evening since my throat hurts. It seems the entire Boed has caught serious throat issues. People even have anti biotics from General Practice for it and one got hospitalized. It's quite a serious thing. Luckily it's not Corona but a throat infection off some sort I also seem to have caught. Luckily I'm strong but let's knock that off. One can't chase off enough bad omens in this case. The honey liquorice helps somewhat, but it's not a miracle. It softens, though. 

The whole Boed seems to have a cough and colds. They are highly under employed this week. I hope Wednesday Soup can go on since one time it had to be canceled due to under employment. Carrots don't stay well for two weeks so let's hope for the best this week so people can enjoy their soup just before easter. Life can be like this and we seem to stumble from crisis to crisis here sometimes.  

I decided to take it economically from now on and not spend too much money on stuff anymore since it can't be bad to have some available for when emergencies break out. I allow myself to purchase new cookbooks and stuff I need, but that's about it. I have never been a big spender since I have always been somewhat poor myself and taking things economical is not a nice feeling, but I'm used to it by now. Nobody's rich nowadays. We all have to eat boiled potatoes and cooked veggies to come round. But we're getting by still. (I was about to say 'But we're healthy due to that.'  But that isn't true. Most off us have sore throats despite all the veggies.) As long as my sunburn fades before easter. Then I count myself lucky. And I could afford honey liquorice despite it being pricey today at Monday Grocery shopping. It was almost scandalously expensive but I thought I had to have it for my sore throat. I never buy candies but this was such a shame almost for it to be thát expensive. I could afford it, I could afford it... *mutter mutter*. Let's hope these small flower, bumblebee and honeycomb shaped candies do their job and help me out, but like I said, it softens my throat so it's probably been worthit the splurge. 

Most foreigners don't like liquorice. It's something European I heard. (Scandinavia also has liquorice. It's not traditionally Dutch like we like to think sometimes) If you live worldwide and wish to try it: be warned, it's not to most of your liking as I've heard. Contrary to that, some people here are addicted to it. (Like some people are addicted to chocolate or potato chips) I'm not much off a liquorice addict but I can appreciate the taste. I never buy it, though. But it's needed today. 

'Dutch.' and Dutch people have always been known for being economicall and sober. Usually it's against my liking (Since I prefer it more creative) but I hope we can make it through a crisis with it at this moment off time and being. I better don't complain when it's a crisis situation and we don't have the money to do wild things anymore. Now it's not just me, but everyone who has this issue. Before I was always the odd one out with little money. But it's not friendly to say 'Oh, look at how no one has it these days.' I'm not sour because off my past with money. It's just something to notice. But look at what we do have. They are about to use methods I have been using my entire life. And maybe I won't look so strange wearing items from last season and seasons before that for easter. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.       

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