woensdag 6 april 2022

Good afternoon at the 6th off April, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today the weather is stormy, windy, and in general grey outside. 


I suppose nothing is as gratefull as making a pot off fresh soup for a community centre today. I made Belgian pea soup with mustard and thyme. From a new cookbook. It's always a great feeling trying new receipes. Especially when the cookbook has won an award. The golden cookbook 2021. (Het gouden kookboek 2021) I just had to have it because off that. I collect cookbooks and I decided I want to collect each cookbook that has won said award. I already have four off them from 2018 on. It's rewarding to cook great soups, and good inspiration is always appreciated. 

The cookbook I got my receipe off this week from, is called 'Een kookboek.' by Seppe Nobels. A Belgian topchef. ('A cookbook' by Seppe Nobels) Next week I'm going to try something diffrent from said cookbook. It's  always fun to do so. And people liked their soup, it's appreciated on such a rainy day (Just by now, rain starts to fall.) Soup on rainy days is usually a good idea. 

It's probably all I'm about to do today. Soup making and blogging. I need some more rest so I took off from de Boed for this afternoon. I'm comfortable in my own home at this moment. I probably need that. 


It's time for tea. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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