donderdag 28 april 2022

Good afternoon at the 28th off April, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's cold and grey and cloudy. Sunshine is spare where they forecasted a beautifull and bright day. 


Today is for a stay-in-at-home day as I needed one. I'm getting a bit off rest after yesterday and I'm doing a bit off laundry and drink some tea. Next week will be Mother's day and I have been asking my accountant for an amount off money for a gift for mom. I haven't been up to much today. I received the program for the renovation today so I can see what will happen next week in their planning. There's a weekend in between (One where I will not be at home) so I suppose my house will be a bit messy next week. I think the renovation is needed and will do good for this building. Some people have complained, but they complain about everything and I don't give them much off a chance to win actions against the renovation, so- A new windowframe it is. Sometimes renewal does good for people even though they are strong minded against it. I think new windowframes won't do bad for this place. It's not like they want to build a new shoppingmall at this place. It's just a renewall that can do so much good for this place. 

I somehow hope my actions for my immune system will pay off. I decided to take vitamin supplements last week every day and immune tea. There are a lot off colds and flus at de Boed and Corona is still around so it can't do bad in my opinion to guard yourself with vitamins and tea against it. I'm interested in the subject off healthy foods. It's just that I love sweet foods and I'm dependent on de Boed for my evening meals every day. It's not bad to take vitamin pills when you need them. 

I have something to look out for- the dessert bible will be published this November and I'm so glad about it. It's been something I have been looking up to for almost a year. I love it. It's by Rutger van den Broek so that promises something good. I can't wait to lay my hands on it and purchase one. Now it's just waiting untill November- that's quite some time. It's always good to make good desserts and eat them. (Not for your body, but for your mind and that is part off our well-being too.) I have to accept a simple bowl off vla every evening at de Boed and sometimes a pre-packed icecream if we're lucky. I'm so delighted I get the chance to make something myself and probably invite people for a home made dinner with a home made dessert when the dessert bible is out. It's about time by then to do so. As I might have told you, my friend who I did that with has passed away and I think I need to get out to ask someone new to cook for, though I do hard with it since I find it hard thinking who to invite. But still- I'm excited about the dessert bible getting published this year. I have some people around at this place I could ask but I'm a bit shy with it so far. 

As far as that goes, this week has aspects that make life a bit better compared to some time ago. 

- Yummy tea

- The dessert bible getting published 

- Good laundry wash 

- New appreciaters for my soup 

- The promise off a new coffee maker (The old one is almost rotten through, it's time for a new one) 

- A care taker doing perfectly what he should do and truly helping me 

 - There being wraps on the menu this evening. It's better than the average boiled potato (I can't see them anymore. We eat them way too much.) wraps is a nice change for today. 

Life is getting good, finally. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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