zondag 24 april 2022

Good evening at the 24th off April, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been bright and clear with a bit off a wind. It hasn't been cold but it has been windy. It's been a day to enjoy the sun, however. 


Today I haven't gone back to bed after medication, but decided to take a bit off a rest on de Boed's terrace at the back off the building. I have been trying a new sunscreen. It worked an awfull lot off time so I suppose it's a good brand but some time after lunch I had to get out off the sun because I turned a bit red, but so far so good. I was capable to make it almost the entire morning in the sun and then after lunch untill 2.30. It's a good brand as I might say so. I love the sun but I'm sensitive for sunburns. 

My cookies where a great succes. People liked them and two ladies ate a lot off them and truly helped me to get rid off the batch. There was nothing to be insecure about. Baking and sharing bakings is a great way off spending my weekends and it keeps me from being bored. I somehow decided the classic Dutch things are a good idea for my crowd as that is what most people love. 'Grandma's bitterkoekjescake.' 'Old fashioned sand-cookies.' And next week will be a suprise for them and for you, my readers, but it will be something classic and all time loved. I felt like it was a bit boring some time ago to do things in that fashion as I thought it'd be -ancient-  to make such things, but now I can see the fun in it and I'm thinking off expanding it and do more off it, but with a small twist to keep it fun for myself, that means decorating it nicely. It's also the genuine opinion to love old fashioned comfort receipes, so who am I to dislike that? It's appreciated best. Who could ever think even I need to hold on to a personal sense off comfort in baking? As my decisions on what to make next are made with my heart and feeling what to make next instead off my mind. Or 'intuition.' as I would call it. A strong feeling on what to make next. And it often wishes for these classics.  

In times off crisis and decay, people love to hold on to what they know. Especially old people. To attract a younger crowd (Including keeping it from being boring for myself) I decorate it creatively and that's appreciated too. I have to get creative with the lack off flour in stores, however, to keep myself baking. Grocerystores are getting out off flour and everything is ridiculously expensive- so it's best to think off solutions for that. And there will be quark fruitcake every often. It's not Dutch, or a Dutch classic- but it's my personal comfort receipe and it works, always, to make it and serve it to my crowd.

Shortage on food and food getting way more expensive doesn't do good for my nerves. I'm sensitive for that despite being fat. I'm afraid we might starve from famine if this continues for long. I never told you this, but I'm afraid off there being too little food to feed the world. No flour on supermarket shelves and bread being so expensive simply worsens this feeling. I'm very heavy and plus size, obese so to say, but I have this fear. I hope it won't take long untill the world gets back to normal (prices) again. This crisis bothers me a lot. I have to talk about it more with care takers. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.    

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