zaterdag 2 april 2022

A few more video's I'd like to share.

 Good morning everyone, 

There are a few video's I'd like to share about disabled cats who got adopted and ended up safe, sound and loved by their new owners. These can be emotional and shaking. 

It's such a heartwarming story about a cat with leukemia who got adopted and had a beloved last years off his life. (Warning: he doesn't survive but it's nevertless a heartwarming story) 

It's just too cute and heartwarming. I think I feel caught by these video's since I need a lot off care myself. I feel with those cats and I find it so heartwarming they found their love and home anyway. It's not easy being disabled, but getting adopted by a soulmate is the best thing that can happen to such cats. 

  Last video is a video with several coffee receipes. I love the taste off coffee, also in desserts and pastries, so this video was one well spend on me. 

Somehow I hope I made your day with these videos. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for watching. 

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