maandag 25 april 2022

Good evening at the 25th off April, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been cloudy and grey. A bit off rain in the morning and it was a bit on the cold side outside. 


Today I'm on my period. I think women should open up more about their periods as I think it's a health matter that shouldn't be too much off a taboo. It's a necessity to speak up as it can safe us from troubles if we do so. I'm not someone who has her period regulairly and I don't really mind having it. I have no relationship and I can do in life as I please- so it's a good excuse to grab to comfort, be a bit loose and eat chocolate when I am. 

It's nut much off an issue, except that I had a big mouth to a care taker yesterday where otherwise I try to be polite to them. I think it will be less off an issue when I explain to her. (I had the idea it wasn't much off an issue, but nevertless- you never know for sure) 

So, I feel a bit moody yet I'm wishing to see the positive in life again. I did my laundry today with a good brand off washing liquid and softner. That's pure luxury these days- and my laundry and dryer are declared safe to use again by Leviaan staff. (I told you how they replaced the switching panel and it worked out fine.) I love doing the laundry. (I may sound a bit simple when it comes to that, but I think it's such a cozy household job) And my care takers will be glad with me when I tell them. Aside to that- I have clean and fresh clothes smelling wonderfull most off the time as it's fun to do the laundry and try new softners. I didn't have the luxury to that (expensive softners) when I still lived with my parents. It's something positive, - fresh laundry.- 

I have a box off new tea, I had a teapot off it this evening and it tastes good. Organic detox tea with green tea, lemon, elderflower and nettle. I saw it saying 'green organic detox tea.' without seeing it contained other ingredients aswell. (Usually I buy a good brand off green tea, but I didn't see my usuall tea on the shelves) Like I said, I'm a bit absent minded these days but today at grocery shopping it worked out fine. It's good to have good tea on stock.  

I think drinking tea, crying and letting go off emotions and swimming every often do well for a woman. I have the feeling it does well for hormones, physicall and mental well-being, though I have never seen evidence for the first, it's something I 'feel.' and I can't explain to you why. And sunshine. Sunshine does good to everyone and I simply love it. (I can't wait for the sun to be out again) 

Another good thing to be positive about is having access to hygienic health necessities when I'm on my period. It's good to be capable to be clean and hygienic, especially during this week! If only for the good hand soap and sanitary napkins I'm using. (It's important to speak up about such matters, so I feel no shame about it on my blog) Being clean is a good thing. It's something to be gratefull for since it's not common use everywhere in the world. 

Bread was on discount today at grocery shopping, so I felt more easy buying it than previous week. I've tried granola in the morning, but I prefer bread though it's not the most healthy thing to eat- still I'm raised with it and it's a habit to eat that and I don't feel like switching it. I eat brown bread in the morning and that's the end off the discussion unless there are fancy breads for, like, a sunday morning breakfast available. (I don't have that every day. But sometimes when I sleep at my mom's she has such a splendorous breakfast for us) (I could be thankfull for that, too) Bread on a discount was a positive thing today. 

And last but not least, I sleep well most nights ever since three weeks or so. Sunday was an exception this time and it's good to be thankfull for that. I love to sleep well. Sleep is important to people with mental issues, (And for most people. Also if you don't have a mental condition it's good to sleep well) and I'm more glad with this than if I would be bought an expensive jewel or electronic gift. It's that important to me. I think it's been due to medication switching I'm sleeping so much better. But I don't know, it could have been a ladybug guardian angel after all- and that's been gratefull work. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.  


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