woensdag 27 april 2022

Good evening at the 27th off April, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was grey and cloudy, and cold. 


Today was for a special Wednesday Soup edition, the orange kingsday edition. It didn't turn out picture perfect orange, I think that was due to the Boursin Cuisine I adjusted to it, it was a bit more pale. A warm yellow so to say- but nevertless, a succes. 

It was such a crowded day at de Boed. I had people having lunch with us who never attend so it was such a thumbs up for me having them say they liked my soup. (Not everyone had a bowl, but the people who did complimented me.) Picky old neighbours, random strangers, people I've only seen from a distance- they thought my soup was great. Aside to our usuall crowd. I believe I've fed over 25 people today at lunch. I had and have my doubts if we served them a lunch that was good enough for kingsday, but we had no complaints and I've heard before I can compete with restaurants and fancy hotels, so I should get that pressure off off my shoulder. Still it's a challenge, wishing to serve my crowd the best I can make them. (I'm still a bit insecure, even after two years and a whole lot off compliments later. Sometimes I can't help that. But it's good for the process off soup making as it keeps me on track and focused with it. It helps me to give it my best so the compliments keep coming.) 

After Wednesday Soup and allright, two or three funny games (I wanted to play a few as they seemed fun.) I went home since I was exhausted by 14.30 and made myself some tea. Still I had a succesfull morning. It's something to remember, this perfect edition off Wednesday Soup. I just wish our neighbours where invited more often for Wednesday Soup lunch as they love it. On the other hand, I understand the clients can't take such a large lunch crowd on a daily base. And it was a tour de force for me. It's just that it's a good thing (In my opinion, as I like serving them good soups) to have them over every once in a while but let's keep it at ease for the clients and not ask too much off everyone. (Including me) 

I'm still tired from Kingsday and I believe I will take a day off tomorrow. Just getting my medication and then go home and take it easy all day as I need that. I probably need a bit off a rest this entire weekend. And to be honest, why not? I have no big plans this weekend. Sometimes a weekend requires a bit off me-time and a lot off tea. (I have two teas I love drinking. One is that detox tea, and the other one is an Ayurverdic immune tea I ordered online previous week. I have no big plans so it's tea time this weekend.💖) And who's to say it's wrong? I'm still on my period so I need that. It's almost a bit awkward how I can feel so happy by the foresight off drinking a lot off tea this weekend and just do my laundry or so. (Life at easy and small steps for mental people sometimes isn't bigger than that.)       

There are a lot off things to be happy about today: 

I modelled my hair by blowdrying it previous evening. And sleeping with it tied in my neck so today after brushing it this morning, I looked good. (Just a bit off glam for kingsday. I allowed myself to.) It's no use to wear make-up in my soupkitchen so fancying my hair it was. It was a good idea.  

I made a lot off people happy serving them perfect Kingsday soup. It was one big succes. I love how people enjoy my foods. It's what makes me most happy during the week. 

A cheer for Ayurverdic immune tea, and for it tasting so good. I had a teapot off it this evening. I simply hoped to keep myself from getting sick by drinking it, but it's taste is a nice plus.    

A care taker doing his job perfectly and helping me improving my life. Most have that intention, he simply does it. He understands me, I have someone to talk to on a good level off understanding and he helps me with aspects off life like new items I need, knowing how to treat me, and guiding me perfectly. This is what I need in a care taker. I have the feeling it's finally getting somewhere. Him being a man does good for me as I appreciate his male point off vieuw on things and it's handy. I thought I didn't need a man in my life, but it's a helpfull thing. He's not a love interest, he's just perfect at doing his job and I rather feel a family kind off connection with him though it's a bit early on to say 'it's a father figure.' I'm weary with that title but it somehow feels like that. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.  




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