dinsdag 12 april 2022

Good evening at the 12th off April, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been cloudy yet warm changing to long periods off sunshine. 


I have been in all day to recover from my sore throat. Since I heard what the complaints where to other people who got it, I wanted to take little risk plus given the fact that I had fever attacks I called everything off and decided to stay in and take a rest. It's also a good idea to keep it calm when you have a sunburn and you look horrendous to other people. That's been my day. The pain off the sunburn faded but I feel a bit bad over probably having to take it easy tomorrow and not being capable to provide carrot soup. My poor carrots and my poor fellow client... I bale about it since I love soup making for them every week. 

My nails this week where done by someone else than the student care taker who takes pride in doing my nails. They're that sick this week. The kitchen won't be under employed tomorrow but it will be due to me there is no soup if my sore throat continues. Honey liquorice works untill you got thirsty from it. So it's not much off a cure for my issues. They said what I had on Sunday could have been a sunstroke. I have to stay out off the sun the entire summer so it seems since I'm too sensitive for it. Ladybug Guardian Angel? Anywhere? Anyone? (I hope I don't overwork or annoy him with what I'm doing. I don't want to strike him against the fur since he is my rescue guard most off the time and in my mind he is someone I'm fond off. I hope he excists. It's actually a voice in my head but a girl can dream.) 

I decided to watch a little TV this evening but there wasn't much on it. If I watch news items, I feel enormously pity for poor people who befall victim to this crisis. And children's TV is not much off my taste anymore and I can't be bothered with other TV programs since I find them not interesting or stupid most off the time. TV about Ukraine can be skipped alltogheter since I find watching it already traumatizing enough but I keep my TV for every now and then when I feel like it. I'm not much off a TV watcher most off the time. 

Though I'm sick, I couldn't sleep today to cure and the Leviaan handyman came to fix something in my house. It didn't take long but you could imagine I was wide awake after that due to that. It was a laundry and drying machine switching panel. He replaced it since the old one was downright dangerous and not working anymore. 

I feel a bit brake from doing nothing and being in here all day while trying to cure from a sore throat. I simply hope it will fade tonight and that I can sleep. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.     

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