Good evening everyone,
Today was moderate for a say in spring. It wasn't too cold but it was changing clouds with clear skies.
de Boed has decided on not to provide us meals each day anymore. I have to move my ass for them myself nowadays. I have to say, good grief, they take up a lot off energy. I started ahead to the date they actually quit. Simply to be ahead off it and see if I can manifest some meals myself. I have to.
It takes up a lot off energy. But tonight was for fresh, home made vegetable soup. With beef broth, vermicelli and home made meatballs.
I had it with half a French bread. It was yummy, I had two bowls off fresh soup. I did the thing right. With lots off onion, garlic, thyme and laurel. I had two mandarins for dessert.
Maybe, when this crisis is over, I can snob towards other millenials about how I still ate fresh fruits and vegetables during the crisis. It's not a vision, merely a silly thought. I long to cook classic Dutch meals, but in a way it tastes perfectly, with fresh vegetables, preferably. Potatoes, vegetables and meat, but well-cooked and picture perfect fresh. The way I would totally spoil myself with it. It's doable that way to eat fresh veggies and fruits. But please take note I don't smoke, I don't drink, I barely snack, I don't have kids and I don't have pets. I just have fresh mandarins from the local market for dessert. That's my big luxury for today. 😉 And I side it with tap water. (In the Netherlands, it's safe to drink. And it comes out off the tap for free.) No (Expensive) soft drinks for me.
And it takes a lot off effort. For example:
I ate this last weekend, and carrots and peas are supposed to be from a jar, but mine where fresh cut carrots and peas from the freezer, and fresh stamped potato stamp. Brought to taste with butter, milk, salt and pepper. The meat was, err, on a discount. But my vegetables and potatoes where perfect.
Maybe I'm just crazy for wishing to eat like that. I make a total snob out off myself this way. It's not the most cheap way to eat. But who knows. Maybe later after the war and the crisis, when I'm old, I can brag to fellow millenials how my food was perfectly fresh during this era. I should not over do it. It's just plain meals, but cooked well.
We didn't have much welfare during this mediocre era, so who knows I can be a total snob about my food still being fresh during this era. In this area, (The Zaan-region) fresh means perfect. Almost decadent and wealthy. Despite the dishes being plain. And they still love the grandma age. So what I do is decadent and luxurious for my age group here. Though on Sunday I had an Oetker mushroom pizza. And it was fine for that day either.
Maybe it's pure idiocy, And I don't know who I am to brag about it when I'm a decadent old hag. Maybe I have no friends when I'm old, and I will be all alone. Sometimes I think I work too hard these days for house keeping. And what for? It's day-filling, but it's a necessity. I think I do so for my pride. This morning, I cleaned the bathroom like each week. Though the rest off the home is a mess. I simply have no energy for it, but I keep the kitchen clean and tidy. It's progress. For my small doing and in my world, it's progress. But it's exhausting to be onto it each day. Maybe I have to get used to it. A woman's work is never done they say, unemancipated as it sounds. But at least I have no ungratefull man besiding me. I just do it for my own pride and well-being.
There's no money left for fun baking, but I spend all my energy to ordinairy cooking these days. And it's the crisis. No expensive baking projects from me soon on here, that's simply not possible for now on my budget. And I can't share as much as I would like. I have to keep everything myself from now on. There's no space anymore for sharing. 😒
Allright, that's about it for now-
Thank you for reading.