Good evening everyone,
Today it has been non-stop raining all day. It's been cold and rainy.
I'm writing you this in an old Christmas pyjama, under a warm blanket on the couch. Is there any better feeling in the evening than being all showered in Christmas PJ's and relaxing under a blanket? It's like the whole country is longing for that Christmas feeling ever since September. Or is it just me? This whole year has been terrible, and everyone can use some sweet old Christmas warmth. My Pyjama's is warm and plain cozy red longsleeved with a black and gold tartan print on my red PJ's pants. It's not a cute animal or a decoration, but simple and nice as it is, it does perfectly for me. I love it. And outside the rain ticks on the window. Reminding me how gratefull I should be to still have this home.
I made myself usefull today by helping to clean the house and mopping the floor. The home is clean and cozy. Though it's tiny. Single person ment but it's for me. And it does perfectly nowadays. I have been thinking not to matter too much whether clothes are out off fashion next year. It's a big fat crisis so I'm going to re-wear it and not buy too much new the upcoming time. No matter wheter pastels and tropical are no-goes next summer. I won't care simply because re-wearing is far more cheap and we need that next year during this crisis. But I expect the big companies not to care about that. So, Tropical? I see them coming out with even bigger, bolder items (Tropical or not) to rob the common people (like you and me) even more from their money. No matter wheter this is a big fat crisis.
I have the luck I don't have to appear polished for work. But on the other hand, if I had such a job, I would probably be able to pay for it. But I don't. So I have to take it sober and re-wear items, and not care big time about them being out off fashion or not. I have a closet full off nice clothes. So it's not a necessity to purchase too much new items. I can prolong everything perfectly next year. Just like I have the luck there is no demand for me to wear make-up on a daily base. I get away perfectly with only occacionally wearing it. There's no employer on my ass who demands me to. (I don't like to wear it too much.) So if I look outdated and ugly to oppres costs, only my mother complains. Even Leviaan doesn't mind. They told me I have enough clothes, it doesn't matter. And at de Boed they don't care as long as it's clean and intact, they don't care about it being out off fashion at all. But it's de Boed and people look shabby and cheap. Psychiatric patients don't and never had money to begin with. So it doesn't truly matter.
I can take on it pretty easy. Just like taking a step back in perfume. My next bottle off perfume will be a cheap drugstore one. Not Yves Rocher like I used to. Despite not wearing make-up, I love to wear a good perfume. But it's going to be to save out on it. But do fellow clients truly care? Not at all. I just hope these drugstore perfumes smell good. (I love a good spray off perfume/ eau de toilette every day.) But does it matter? Does it truly matter? I have the feeling I can take it. Like I told you before, I know what it's like to turn coins and not being rich. So I'm used to live without big luxury. From late teen / early 20's on I have been flipping coins. But I'm sorta handy with it so I can still make it look rich.
Still, it's gritting my teeth when I see the prices to all those cool earrings in stores. (That would entirely make it nowadays. A few sets off modern earrings. But they're SO expensive, it's a crime.) Maybe I will allow myself a few as a Christmas present for myself. I had the believe I would not purchase something new this Christmas, and work with what I've got on the shelves. Since I still have previous year's stuff. (Decorations and clothes.) But a few cool, modern earrings? They're mouthwatering cool this year. Still I have to think and re-think this very well and flip a few more coins for it. I think the companies do it on purpose. Extra cool, extra expensive. Or is that just my personal vieuw this year? I have only one set off new, modern earrings purchased two weeks ago. I just felt I had to update myself a bit. But it was to faint over so expensive. The rest off my collection is old and plain. Not that is ever has been too much off an issue, but what's in stores now pricks my eyes.
I smuggled a bit... I have purchased the Essence adventcalendar for this year. Somehow I felt I would be over-complaining on everything if I would not allow myself anything at all. To soften that edge, I allowed it. (I have to confess you this.) And indeed, I feel a little joy with it on my shelve, waiting for December to make me unpack it. I was planning on to smuggle a bit with Yves Rocher make-up for Christmas, but they don't even have a Christmas limited edition make-up line this year. They only have a few scents for Christmas and their shower stuff is bad for my skin. (I dwell on their perfumes and make-up) SO little luck for me, but that's what you got when you're forecalling the gods on pretending not to purchase anything for Christmas. I still have previous year's eyeshadow boxes. I could follow plan A and work with that for this year. I think nobody will bat an eye about it. Does Yves Rocher do that because off the crisis? I have no idea. I even still have a Christmas vanilla scent from them. So I'm good this year. I should not act too spoiled or snobby about it. Never mind, I will have Essence Christmas make-up this year. It's only one month a year we can sparkle the dark up with it, so that's probably the reason I still have so much Christmas make-up. It's no basic need.
I'm complaining like there's no tomorrow so it seems. I hope the reader doesn't mind about it and can still handle it. I hope one day in the future I don't have to look too shabby anymore. I hope that day will come soon. Let's end this weblog with that.
Allright, that's about it for now-
Thank you for reading.