zaterdag 8 juni 2024

Good afternoon at the 8th off June, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's sunny and fresh outside. It's nice for it not to be too warm. 


This morning was for preparing Wacky Cake. A 1930's Great Depression invention from the United States. It's very easy to prepare, and it's without butter, milk or eggs. It comes down to weighing off everything, and mixing all ingredients directly in a bowl with a fork, or if you're fancy, a whisk. Then baking for half an hour, letting it cool and prepare frosting, and you got this: 


If you can bake, it turns out something like this. It's ment for de Boed's afternoon coffee tomorrow afternoon. I used baking parchment for my own feeling off safety, I feared it would stick to the sides if I hadn't. But according to the receipe, you don't have to. Though that didn't feel safe enough. I think I will picture a slice on a pastry plate with a cup off coffee tomorrow, and put that on here. I think, if it's truly good, I can use this receipe even more, also when the crisis is done. It's funnily simple. And strictly seen, it's vegan, even. I got it from 'Baking YesterYear.' I got inspired for it, since we're in a crisis nowadays. So I took inspiration from the 1930's. Baking is still fun. And it helps setting my mind off off things. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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