maandag 3 juni 2024

Good afternoon at the 3th off June, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's been cloudy and somewhat fresh outside today. 


Last night ended with the delusion off a witchmaster trying to spell me with sea spunges. I happen to believe Ed owns an aquarium with ink spitting sea spunges. And he wants to captivate my mind in them. I had to look up if Porifera, like how they're named in latin, could spit ink, and what they look like for real. I don't know if you can actually own an aquarium with living sea spunges and use them for spells. But they don't happen to spit ink. I had to look up what they look like in real life. 

What I saw was more like the last photo, it's more off a bath sponge. I don't know if living sponges can come in round shapes. I know they don't spit ink. And I don't know if you can captivate visions and delusions in them. But Ed is not a common witchmaster. He's my crush, and he's a talent in his field. But we're supposed to be enemies. So catching me and keeping me captivated in a sponge it is. But the sponge inks when it becomes to much for it. Out off emotional terror. I can think and feel quite heavy and overwhelming. To fight with Mister Ed felt kinda heavy. Being madly in love while you have to reason in a fight is hard. He came in here at first as a vulture, or a hawk, with a prey bird cap, trying to gain information. But then I found out he has captivated me in a sea spunge. It's not always easy to have fallen for the dark witchmaster. He wasn't allowed to know, and he even wanted a fee for it. 'Off, you scoundrel! You have a well-paid job!' But the vulture kept on sticking out it's claw with a sack attached to it. 'Wait, now I have to pay you?' I keep on assuming he's rich and wealthy somehow. I don't want to pluck men, but them after a fee from me? Luckily I could break the seaspunge spell- simply by looking at it. It was gone and I broke it.  

After a stubborn while, he was gone, He kept on disbelieving this was actuall Zaandijk, Zaanstad. But he had to take it for granted. I got even more impressed by his incredible skills, offcourse. But he also seemed so harsh and cold in the delusion. And spunges don't ink. It's such a story, I do hard disbelieving it this day. I think my mind has something else as a suprise for me tonight. I have to keep myself sane. It's difficult. I don't know if people can own living seaspunges. They're wild sea animals. To keep them in an aquarium?  

See, my love for Edo is kinda hard. It brings out delusions. He's a cool man, but it's difficult. I decided it's a sane, fair no if I ever get even closer than just a vague passing by. They can lock me up if it goes any further I believe. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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