vrijdag 7 juni 2024

Good evening at the 7th off June, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a nice warm day in June. 


Today was for sight-seeing with mom in the surrounding, she came over for coffee at the chocolate shop, and we had lunch at a restaurant at de Zaan, and then walked to de Zaanse Schans. Mom is in a divorce. She can use my help, but I don't have much to offer instead off a trip among these classics every often and a listening ear. She likes it to set her mind off off it, but I don't know if it (These nice classics) does for a long time. But it was nice. I had a pancake with syrup waffles and caramel syrup for lunch. 

I have been shopping at de Zaanse Schans for some cool baking supplies. 

Diffrent times require diffrent styles and baking supplies, a bit more national pride, and I dove into it today. Maybe a Dutch woman with a baking hobby hits the nail a bit better than British these days. It's crowded at de Zaanse Schans. More crowded than ever before, also according to the acquitances who see them passing by all the time. Ever since Corona, it's a haze off tourists. It's crazy. 

We didn't take pictures, we sure had a good time. Mom gave me a bush off flowers, It's on the kitchen counter top. I photographed the steels with some items. I hope you forgive me, I'm a bit messy these days. From sweet Magical Girl items, to cool Nationalism due to war time. 

Mom also bought me chocolates, but I already ate them all. I had no hold to myself. And tonight will be for oven pizza again. I'm not that much off an actuall superhero, but I can bake a few cakes and cookies for National Pride. I think it's important these days during war-time. I have that crazy idea. Cool Dutch during war-time. I hope the Extreme Right winged in politics don't steal from me. But that's for later on. I just hope I'm not seen as stupid or idiotic for it. 

I think we need more off an insult than Rasputin by Boney M. for Putin. More off a nagging insult to them. I mean The World, since we're still stuck in it for a while. We need something to help us cope. Maybe my media need a picture off a syrup waffle caramel pancake, and the sight from the terrace at de Zaan over de Zaanse schans. It's breath takingly national pride. And I hope I can get good speculaas out off the windmill shape during Sinterklaas-time. It's an art. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 



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