vrijdag 7 juni 2024

Good evening at the 7th off June, 2024, 2.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's been nice weather today. 


Yesterday I had a voice. She said, while I had take away pizza, that everyone who considers themselves too smart or too mature for take away pizza and 90's kiddie pop actually isn't because it's big fun. Especially if they never do so because they're 'Too smart.' for it. I think it's probably my own thought. 

Problem is, the voice took the shape of a real life woman, almost present standing here, trying to keep me from her bunny-plates, or something off the like. I keep on seeing plates with bunnies in my closet. They're a bit kitch, It's a bunny template that repeats itself on each plate. I think I'm just weird since it's not my general taste. Why would I put plates with cute bunnies in there? Am I senile? Will I become senile? And the woman in front off me was like 'That's the utmost tip off everything with you!' ('Dat is wel echt het toppunt.') I love nice plates. But I don't have a taste in bunny plates. How did they get to this closet? Really, something weird. But she stated that to me. 'Everyone who considers themselves too smart for take away pizza and 90's kiddie pop and who doesn't do so out off that feeling, actually isn't. Because it's big fun.'  

Aside from weird voices and plates with Peter Rabbit, I had inspiration for a Bitch! Perfect gelatine pudding when this war and crisis are over. We have to grid our teeth for a while with this. I hope you have patience. Maybe I'm too cheerfull myself. But pink gelatine pudding with cherries, out off the Nordic Ware 6- cup heritage mold. And then all sorts off other desserts, ideas with pink pudding. Ordinairy custard pudding with fresh raspberry sauce, 'And marble cake!' But those aren't crisis ideas anymore. Sometimes it's voices meddling over bunny plates, sometimes it's inspiration. Honest, I think I'm too unstable and insane for Edo. He's a spiritual man, not a mad man. While I'm weird and unstable. Sanity wishes to keep me from it. And maybe they'll put him into mental health either when he starts to talk with my care takers. It's not safe. And pink pudding? With whipped cream, offcourse! It just comes down to pink custard package pudding, brought to colour with food colouring. very easy. But not appropriate for these times. 

While nowadays I try to keep the traditional kitchen off the Netherlands alive. I'm not the only one who has to stick to that. Though today was for oven pizza. I'm slacking it with cooking these days. I have nothing a pagan macho could depend on, especially when I feel weak and can't cook food. Sometimes I still think I can save the world, and I should have been in politics, but I'm appearently not suitable for it. I was a bit high in my head back then, also given the circumstances in politics off today. It's one big rathouse. I already do hard being washed these days. Just like the problem with Edo, is it confusing? Is it difficult? Yes? Then don't do it! This appears to a lot off matters stupid people and mental patients are facing. 'Is het verwarrend? Is het ingewikkeld? Ja? Dan moet je ermee stoppen of dan doen we het niet.' Sanest method ever. I think this appeared to most cases during the previous decade. 'Stop with the confusing, difficult things if you can't take on them.' If I would have listned, I would not have been here, since my mind could not stop with them. It kept on resolving around certain topics, and it drove me insane. But here I am, not doing bad. Maybe 'Stop the difficult and confusing thing.' Is now just for Edo. 'Stop with it!' So to say. 

If it drives you insane, it's not for you. That's just difficult. Very difficult. I think it will be peace in Ukraine rather than me having peace with Vana. And it's not my fault. And my visions keep being so blurry. Voice saying: 'Some women get the visions these days, while others get the mans.' Really? I'm desperate, I'm still single at 31, 32 going on soon. I should stop the difficult and confusing thing. It hurts my head from spinning. It's too much. And I think it will be 'the talk off town.' so to say, at Vana when I try. Maybe they say I'm an over-acting attention whore who's just after the money. Like usuall. 'It's her again.' And so on. Let's keep it at that, but it's a sincere thing in between us already. Otherwise he would just have been magically mighty in his own fashion. But they will not accept. A heart that jumps is so bizarre sometimes. Let's keep it sane, among Zaanish antiques. Let's be a reliable woman, let's not play games. So I should stick with the 'I'm a psychiatric patient.' Thing. That would be a decent and responsible take on it. He's insanely cool. But I'm not going after him. And what are they mighty in, to begin with? Let's relativate that. It's just Vana. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 





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