zondag 9 juni 2024

Good evening at the 9th off June, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunny yet on the fresh side. 


I feel the atmosphere is as thick as snow somehow. Loaded, it's full. I could stand on it if I would like. Verbally, I don't know where that feeling comes from. It's not to my liking. 

I shared some Wacky Cake today at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk, and I think I did well to it. 

It was nice for a try out on something. Simple as it was. My fellow clients enjoyed it, and we could have two servings since there where little people at de Boed today. Though the tray was left empty. That's my biggest pride: Happy eaters and empty trays. But today was a calm day at de Boed. I think I did well on sharing, otherwise it would have been boring there. That's how Sundays always are: boring, a baking, and a sports game. For others, tonight will be for the Grand Prix, but I'm not into sports. Though it's the usuall Sunday before the crisis: A boring as hell Boed, provided a baking by me, and the others having nothing to do but looking ahead to the sports game, wheter it be Grand Prix, Ajax Amsterdam or even ice skating- whatever is on that day. But most off the time- boring! 

I feel the air is loaded. I just can't help it. I'm washed, clean, and got my pyjama's on. I pictured some Margarets at the side off the road at Gortershof, I think they look cute. 


Sometimes, it's the best Nature's gift when wild flowers start to appear and bloom out off nowhere. My mom had an unexpected sunflower in her backyard once. And these are almost our gifts. It's a bit unruly. A bit untamed, but I think it's nice. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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