dinsdag 4 juni 2024

Good evening at the 4th off June, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 


This beauty arrived by post this morning: 

The Nordic Ware Rose Bundt. With gorgeous leaves on the sides. It's beautifull, and some time ago every baker seemed to crave roses. They where everywhere on pastries. I'm not that handy. So maybe the mold will speak for me. (That's what it usually does: I'm not good at modelling, so I let the molds do the work for me.) 

I think these molds would be perfect filled with chocolate bundt cake . I think all my new bundt molds will be. This hobby, though a bit expensive, is perfect distraction from the war and the crisis. It's a bit superficial, but it does for me. 

Honestly, I crave baking sandcookies a bit. I haven't done so for a while. With real cookie spices, but for now I'll take supermarket spices for granted. It's pricey, but I think I haven't done so in almost a year. But it could be more, since ever since Corona time is blurry and it can be to have been longer. 'Wait, what? But that has been two years ago! Not previous year!' 'What, but it goes thát fast?' I feel like that all the time with things. The world has been in crisises ever since 2020, and it's been long. And what happened in between is blurry when it comes to time line. 

Maybe I should just do it. Simply to be a bit off lines and expensive and bake those sand cookies. It's toddler work, something children do with their parents. The world is insane if someone comes death jealouse after me for sandcookies. I mean, they're going to be fresh, but other than that, I think anyone can bake them. I own a set off letter cookiecutters which lend themselves perfectly for them. I believe people are always jealouse off me these days and will come after me for baking. Since it has become that expensive. I have feelings off such guilt.... but what for? I'm not rich either, just lucky and handy with money. That's why I can afford my hobby these expensive times. Somehow I still think 'I can do it.' And here I am, doing it. My secret is really to have saved money. Still, those feelings off guilt... 

I think I should end it here for now. I think I have to justify baking all the time if I continue. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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