donderdag 13 juni 2024

Good evening at the 13th off June, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was dreary and cold, but at least it wasn't too hot outside for a day in June. I don't mind the cold. It's just that the spinach is ruined according to the newspaper, and farmers complain. But it's not to my concern soon. 


This morning was for the second turn off coffee serving at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. I'm good at it, and my service is perfect. I don't like to brag, but they are very content with me. If I seem to brag, it's actually the truth. Baking and coffee service are in good hands with me.

It's only for once a week every Thursday morning, so I have a volunteer job again. My coffee is good according to the coffee crowd. We only miss a jar filled with at least three kinds off cookies every morning, like once before. But it's because Leviaan doesn't allow cookies in the morning anymore. Since we have 'to eat breakfast instead, and not eat cookies for breakfast.' Like some seemed to do... And 'For our health.' But it's a bit cold, offcourse. And maybe three kinds off cookies is a bit expensive these days. Cookies and treats are 'only for the afternoon!' but they only had space on Thursday morning. I like it, despite the lack off cookies. 

I still got those good old fashioned school service skills. Though I thought I was the slowest and the most dumb at first when I was only 16, at de Boed it seems to suit me at coffee service. And offcourse, I have been a trainee at 17 and 18, but that's for serious ass public service at the government. More than 10 years ago, still my service skills are good. And offcourse, I have been a receptionist at a daycare centre for some time. I nail public service. I could not make a real job out off it, but this... like explaining A B C to a grown up to me. And it's fun. I have to admit, I love it. Aside to that, what's better than making people happy with fresh coffee every morning? 😉 I love making people happy. 

The only thing is that I can't wear make-up during coffee service, since it's short before swimming. And I wear my bathingsuit underneath my clothes, so bad posture. I'm glad they don't mind. I do such bright and shiny coffee service, it's fine with them. And I'm allowed to drink coffee myself during coffee service, so no nice and bright stuff on my lips. Lipstick at public service can be a bit more bold than a supermarket nude. But I go swimming afterward, so I can't. And smudging it on cups is not a good idea. No make-up comes in more handy. But maybe even red statement lipstick for coffee service? 'Put it straight, simple and with a smile.' Like how they say it. 

It was fun today. Using my skills again. Though it's with this. And swimming a few laps. I was all tired and wrecked when comming home, so I ordered pizza for tonight. My sickness was in the way off cooking. Ordering pizza allowed me to lay in bed for some time before dinner, and after dinner. I'm sooo tired from today. 

I'll end this weblog here. I'm very tired. I'm proud I got a job again. 💖

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 



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