zaterdag 1 juni 2024

Good morning at the 1st off June, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's too dark to see the weather outside. It's the death off night, but I could not sleep anymore. I hope you read this in the morning, and not at midnight. 😉


I did some cool Nordic Ware purchases just a moment ago. The kind off luxury I hope they won't come after me for. It's about the Nordic Ware Rose Bundt pan, and the Nordic Ware Floral Heart. 

I feel like treasure hunting with these, since prices are enhighering up to more than 50 euro's for the standard bundt pans. I had these for a little less. I love Nordic Ware, and it's incredibly decadent, but 50 euro's is a whole lot off money. I better don't be too expensive on here, but I have no kids, no smoking, no drinking, no man, not much luxury other than this- It's my only fancy hobby at the moment. I even barely collect cookbooks anymore. I used to love to purchase the new editions off cool Dutch baking books. And I wasn't sober with it, but prices have become murderous. Just like for the ingredients they use in them. It's not really fair anymore. But to own Nordic Ware is sooo priceless, I think it's worthit the splurge. But that's for a crazy old spinster like me without a family to feed. 

I used to bake more often some time ago. Nowadays they'd better be glad I made them raisin cake occacionally. But I think my skills are getting resty from not getting the chance to shine. I used to be so proud off it... 😒 And these beauties deserve cake. We've just had the spring holidays, and the most recent time to officially use it, is Christmas. But I would love the decadent times to come back where we could use them almost every Sunday. 'It's so luxurious, something else is not appropriate.' Most would say nowadays. It's a bit bailing the times are not as luxurious as a lump off rosegold anymore. (Some time ago, some people swore by rosegold.) 

I really have to overthink if more than 50 euro's is worthit for bundt molds. Really, to love to bake doesn't come in handy this crisis. Compared to the 1930's crisis, where a home maker could still bake. But I'm not certain about that. I haven't lived during that era. But I believe baking was still common back then. But THIS murderous crisis, it's not the most favorable hobby to practice. 

No, it's just being fed, and the occacionally raisin cake and quark tarts for a birthday. It's not my previous standard in baking. I used to have a whole arsenal in nuts and cookie spices, for example, but all off that are gone. Maybe to own a bag off cinnamon is going to give the same kick as expensive Nordic Ware if it continues like this. Cinnamon, grounded cloves, piment, nutmeg, kardamom, star anise, allspice- but nowadays I can forget about it. Aside to wallnuts, almonds and hazelnuts. And an eventually pecan. It's been standard in my kitchen, all off these. But it's gone. 

I wonder if inflation really will stay at 21%. Something told me that's how high it will become. I feel like a 1930's treasure hunter when purchasing Nordic Ware. Instead off in London or the orient, I got it expensively from the internet. But at least I'm capable to still purchase them. For who knows how long, actually. 

I think I better go back to bed. It's only 04.25 AM, I think I better try to catch some sleep again. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 



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