donderdag 30 mei 2024

Good morning at the 30th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's cloudy and somewhat cold this morning. 


'The century is lost.' No, the century isn't lost. The world will overcome, it's just that the future statistics for this entire century in the Netherlands are win for VVD and right winged parties. I have seen statistics in a vision that say it's all been right winged, and it's right winged frumpy and decent in the future for this century. But we will all be rich again one day. 

Well, it's just how you see 'lost.' The left never came to power in those statistics. I felt annoyed by it at first, but like with everything, It's best for me not to feel shocked. If you believe in left winged politics and morals, this entire century is not going to be it for you. It's all 'tuttig.' It's going to be one tut off a century. But after the war. Feminin, but not emancipated. Let's put it like that. And the blondes will come back in fashion, and sometimes centuries are already set and we just have to follow our roles. That's big part off being human: Following THE major plan that's set out for us, and there's no escape for most. 

It's not going to be a bad centrury, it's just that it's frumpy, and it keeps to right winged ideals most. But the world is not lost. This war is NOT the endgame for the world. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  


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