donderdag 23 mei 2024

Good morning at the 23th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's promising to become a nice day today when it comes to temperature. 

Why am I to be listned to when it comes to crisis advice? It might be a bit out off the air to some. 

Well, I have always been poor, but I could get by perfectly due to the help off the surrounding and with the lessons from my parents. It started as a teen, where I was unemployed and could never find a job due to the mundial bank-crisis and the extreme high standards and pressure off that era. And it works through here. It's as if I have 'studied' somehow my entire life for this crisis and I can't explain. Let's put my experience to use, instead off sitting it out like some cowardly chicken. 😉 

I'm not the best person in the world for tips off true sobriety. I love a cozy life with nice items and decorations, so I'm frugal up to a certain point. But I know how to overcome a crisis with normal sobriety. 

It requires to cook at home, to keep the home and items clean, to save out on items by conserving them all the time, not to wear a lot off make-up, make use off what you got, and a keen eye for good bargains. All off it being put in a creative way, you can even make it bearable and fun. 

The home you live in, for example, should be a cozy one if you are going to spend a lot off time in there. I didn't decorate with the latest trends, but with a timeless eye for items that could fit a 1920's-1930's-1960's home. And a modern light yet timeless twist adjusted to it. Since I'm a mental patient who doesn't go to places often, I need a cozy home to keep it fun in life for myself. If the home is cozy, that's step one. If you spend a lot off time at home due to frugalness, be sure it's worthit and decorated to your very liking and it's not too bad spending time in there. I could have shared this tip before Corona. It's not such a crime to be at home when you love your home. Not like, but really love how it looks inside. It makes many a crisis, mundial or personal, so much more doable. 

I've always took a lot off inspiration from the 1930's-1950's when it comes to books, movies and style. Not in my clothes, but for the stories I love and the movies I loved. It's a tip for this crisis. It's not expensive to follow that style. At least in my youth it was. If you keep out off the extreme right, there's nothing wrong with it. Disney has a lot off movies following that classic style recently. I love it, though I don't have Disney+, but I watch them at my mom's every often. It's the classics, but in a modern way so it's comfy. 

If you want a 'comfort.' tip: Death on the Nile, and Murder at the Orient express on Disney+. I love their take on the Agatha Christie classic. I have read Murder at the Orient express long ago, it's also a good book if you seek something to read. I do hard reading due to mental problems, but even I can appreciate the recent film. 

These are just some things I have to offer for good advice. I'm going to show a lot off my true soul if I talk about personal poverty, crisis tips and the old fashioned style I love. Things I often keep a bit vague for the audience. But maybe people got something onto it these days. The real me, the one with the damaged soul. The woman who can think 'crisis survival.' in an elegant way. I have to conceal a lot. Instead off calling Vana assholes all the time and whine, we're gonna talk something serious with this. And I hope you think I'm the right person to listen to. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   


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