vrijdag 17 mei 2024

Good afternoon at the 17th off May, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's cloudy, but it's positive it's not too hot outside. 


I would like to come with a prognosis. I can see the next year will also be war in Ukraine, and crisis for the world, I'm talking about 2025. It's good to re-think future plans, and set back again if you already haven't done so. The prices will even increase, and it's as dark and depressing as a naked ass. It's not looking good. 

I think it's good to warn you against this, since I hope you've learned not to be too optimistic, and if someone hasn't already told you, I believe they should do so by now. Next year will be another year of shrinking economy, a dreary ambience and sky high prices and news about war. I also think they will do that thing with an early Easter again. Easter wasn't at the first full moon off spring weekend this year, and next year they will also do that. I just don't know the very reason, but the government does that and it has to do with the Ukraine war. Not with the moon or religion. It's a strategy they have thought out.  

Next year will be defying. Will we go to fight or not? If it passes by like this, with a massive crisis being on, you will start to hear the government about it. I just don't know wheter we are going to fight, or not. I have to see how this year, with the American elections, and the next year, enrolls, but it's a turning point if the war and the crisis continues. 

And inflation will only be higher and higher. up to 21%, officially. And there won't be an end to the cool blonde and red lipstick trend. And we still crave the 20th century old fashioned next year. The classic look, saturated in 90's gravy-light. Things that don't cost money to develop, since they already excist. 

I have a nice recomendation: Essence Princess false lash mascara waterproof. 

It's a cheap mascara I kept on hearing as 'The top selling mascara off this era.' Like, THE number one. It's about to become history as it beats brands like Chanel and Charlotte Tilbury, since people simply don't have more money than this. I tried it myself once I saw it, and to be honest. There's nothing wrong with it. It's good mascara for it's price. (3 to 4 euro's) It's nice, your eyes look good, and it doesn't clump. I'm not paid to do advertisement, I just would like to point out to you that this mascara will become history. 

And it's to my personal liking, since Essence cosmetics doesn't test on animals. I'm a cruelty-free person ever since I started wearing make-up as a teen. And it's good for it's price class. 

We will also see where they will be onto the 'celebrate your natural beauty.' - trend, since it's perfect for a crisis. If you don't have a hair colour that doesn't lend itself for cool blonde, that's not a problem. It's your personal beauty. As long as you groom yourself and make sure you look taken care off. I would like to share that, since it's a perfect cheap ass beauty trend most off us can embrace. Asian, Black, light blonde or ginger- embrace yourself the way you are. According to the beauty trend. I personally would like to see them to ditch the skinny trend, but I don't see them doing that soon. But it's harassment. I feel offended by it. And I can't really help being fat. 

I would like to end my blog here. Not out off being offended, but because it's much to think about for my readers. We are probably going to see and hear from all off this in the future.  

Allright, that's about to be it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  




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